PhyPraKit Documentation¶
Version 1.2.8, Date 2024-10-08
PhyPraKit is a collection of python modules for data visualization and analysis in experimental laboratory courses in physics and is in use in the Department of Physics at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). As the modules are intended primarily for use by undergraduate students in Germany, the documentation is partly in German language, in particular the description of the examples.
Created by:
Guenter Quast <guenter (dot) quast (at) online (dot) de>
A pdf version of this documentation is available here: PhyPraKit.pdf.
To use PhyPraKit, it is sufficient to place the directory PhyPraKit and all the files in it in the same directory as the python scripts importing it.
Installation via pip is also supported. After downloading, execute:
pip install --user .
in the main directory of the PhyPraKit package (where is located) to install in user space.
Comfortable installation via the PyPI Python Package Index is also possible by executing
pip install --user PhyPraKit
The installation via the whl-package provided in the subdirectory dist may alternatively be used:
pip install --user --no-cache PhyPraKit<version>.whl
python scripts and Jupyter notebook versions illustrate common use cases of the package and provide examples of typical applications.
German Description:
PhyPraKit ist eine Sammlung nützlicher Funktionen in der Sprache Python (>=3.6, die meisten Module laufen auch noch mit der inzwischen veralteten Verson 2.7) zum Aufnehmen, zur Bearbeitung, Visualisierung und Auswertung von Daten in Praktika zur Physik. Die Anwendung der verschiedenen Funktionen des Pakets werden jeweils durch Beispiele illustriert.
Visualization and Analysis of Measurement Data¶
Methods for recording, processing, visualization and analysis of measurement data are required in all laboratory courses in Physics.
This collection of tools in the package PhyPraKit contains functions for reading data from various sources, for data visualization, signal processing and statistical data analysis and model fitting as well as tools for the generation of simulated data. Emphasis was put on simple implementations, illustrating the principles of the underlying algorithms.
The class mnFit in the module phyFit offers a light-weight implementation for fitting model functions to data with uncorrelated and/or correlated absolute and/or relative uncertainties in ordinate and/or abscissa directions. Support for likelihood fits to binned data (histograms) and to unbinned data is also provided.
For complex kinds of uncertainties, there are hardly any are easy-to-use program packages. Most of the existing applications use presets aiming at providing a parametrization of measurement data, whereby the validity of the parametrization is assumed and the the parameter uncertainties are scaled so that the data is well described. In physics applications, on the contrary, testing the validity of model hypothesis is of central importance before extracting any model parameters. Therefore, uncertainties must be understood, modeled correctly and incorporated in the fitting procedure.
PhyPraKit offers adapted interfaces to the fit modules in the package scipy (optimize.curve_fit and ODR) to perform fits including a test of the validity of the model hypothesis. A very lean implementation, relying on the mimimization and uncertainty-analysis tool MINUIT, is also provided in the sub-package phyFit for the above-mentioned use cases. PhyPraKit also contains a simplified interface to the very function-rich fitting package kafe2.
German: Darstellung und Auswertung von Messdaten
In allen Praktika zur Physik werden Methoden zur Aufnahme, Bearbeitung, Darstellung und Auswertung von Messdaten benötigt.
Die vorliegende Sammlung im Paket PhyPraKit enthält Funktionen zum Einlesen von Daten aus diversen Quellen, zur Signalbearbeitung und Datenvisualisierung und zur statistischen Datenauswertung und Modellanpassung sowie Werkzeuge zur Erzeugung simulierter Pseudo-Daten. Dabei wurde absichtlich Wert auf eine einfache, die Prinzipien unterstreichende Codierung gelegt und nicht der möglichst effizienten bzw. allgemeinsten Implementierung der Vorzug gegeben.
Das Modul phyFit bietet mit der Klasse mnFit eine schlanke Implementierung zur Anpassung von Modellfunktionen an Daten, die mit unkorrelierten und/oder korrelierten absoluten und/oder relativen Unsicherheiten in Ordinaten- und/oder Abszissenrichtung behaftet sind. Anpassungen an gebinnte Daten (Histogramme) und Maxium-Likelihood-Anassungen zur Bestimmung der Parameter der Verteilung von Daten werden ebenfalls unterstützt. Für solche in der Physik häufig auftretenden komplexen Formen von Unsicherheiten gibt es kaum andere, einfach zu verwendende Programmpakete. Viele Pakte sind als Voreinstellung auf die Parametrisierung von Messdaten ausgelegt, wobei die Parameterunsicherheiten unter Annahme der Gültigkeit der Parametrisierung so skaliert werden, dass die Daten gut repräsentiert werden. Um den besonderen Anforderungen in der Physik Rechnung zu tragen, bietet PhyPraKit deshalb entsprechend angepasste Interfaces zu den Fitmodulen im Paket scipy (optimize.curve_fit und ODR), um Anpassungen mit Test der Gültigkeit der Modellhypothese durchzuführen. PhyPraKit enthält ebenfalls ein vereinfachtes Interface zum sehr funktionsreichen Anpassungspaket kafe2.
In der Vorlesung “Computergestützte Datenauswertung” an der Fakultät für Physik am Karlsruher Institut für Physik ( werden die in PhyPraKit verwendeten Methoden eingeführt und beschrieben. Hinweise zur Installation der empfohlenen Software finden sich unter den Links und .
Speziell für das “Praktikum zur klassischen Physik” am KIT gibt es eine kurze Einführung in die statistischen Methoden und Werkzeuge unter dem Link .
Über den Link werden eine Einführung in die Verwendung von Jupyter Notebooks sowie Tutorials für verschiedene Aspekte der statistischen Datenauswertung mit Beispielen zum Einsatz von Modulen aus PhyPraKit bereit gestellt.
Dokumentation der Module und Beispiele¶
`` ist ein Paket mit nützlichen Hilfsfunktionen zum import in eigene Beispiele mittels:
import PhyPraKit as ppk
from PhyPraKit import ...
PhyPraKit enthält folgende Funktionen:
Daten-Ein und -Ausgabe
readColumnData() Daten und Meta-Daten aus Textdatei lesen
readCSV() Daten im csv-Format aus Datei mit Header lesen
readtxt() Daten im Text-Format aus Datei mit Header lesen
readPicoScope() mit PicoScope exportierte Daten einlesen
readCassy() mit CASSY im .txt-Format exportierte Dateien einlesen
labxParser() mit CASSY im .labx-Format exportierte Dateien einlesen
writeCSV() Daten csv-Format schreiben (optional mit Header)
writeTexTable() Daten als LaTeX-Tabelle exportieren
round_to_error() Runden von Daten mit Präzision wie Unsicherheit
ustring() korrekt gerundete Werte v +/- u als Text; alternativ: der Datentyp ufloat(v, u) im Paket uncertainties unterstützt die korrekte Ausgabe von Werten v mit Unsicherheiten u.
offsetFilter() Abziehen eines off-sets
meanFilter() gleitender Mittelwert zur Glättung
resample() Mitteln über n Datenwerte
simplePeakfinder() Auffinden von Maxima (Peaks) und Minima (Empfehlung: convolutionPeakfinder nutzen)
convolutionPeakfinder() Finden von Maxima
convolutionEdgefinder() Finden von Kanten
Fourier_fft() schnelle Fourier-Transformation (FFT)
FourierSpectrum() Fourier-Transformation (langsam, vorzugsweise FFT-Version nutzen)
autocorrelate() Autokorrelation eines Signals
wmean() Berechnen des gewichteten Mittelwerts
BuildCovarianceMatrix() Kovarianzmatrix aus Einzelunsicherheiten
Cov2Cor() Konversion Kovarianzmatrix -> Korrelationsmatrix
Cor2Cov() Konversion Korrelationsmatrix + Unsicherheiten -> Kovarianzmatrix
chi2prob() Berechnung der \(\chi^2\)-Wahrscheinlichkeit
propagatedError() Numerische Fehlerfortpflanzung; Hinweis: der Datentyp ufloat(v, u) im Paket uncertainties unterstützt Funktionen von Werten v mit Unsicherheiten u und die korrekte Fehlerfortpflanzung
getModelError() Numerische Fehlfortpflanzung für parameterabhängige Funktionswerte
barstat() statistisch Information aus Histogramm (Mittelwert, Standardabweichung, Unsicherheit des Mittelwerts)
nhist() Histogramm-Grafik mit np.historgram() und (besser matplotlib.pyplot.hist() nutzen)
histstat() statistische Information aus 1d-Histogram
nhist2d() 2d-Histogramm mit np.histrogram2d, plt.colormesh() (besser matplotlib.pyplot.hist2d() nutzen)
hist2dstat() statistische Information aus 2d-histogram
profile2d() “profile plot” für 2d-Streudiagramm
chi2p_indep2d() \(\chi^2\)-Test auf Unabhängigkeit von zwei Variablen
plotCorrelations() Darstellung von Histogrammen und Streudiagrammen von Variablen bzw. Paaren von Variablen eines multivariaten Datensatzes
Lineare Regression und Anpassen von Funktionen:
linRegression() lineare Regression, y=ax+b, mit analytische Formel
odFit() Funktionsanpassung mit x- und y-Unsicherheiten (scipy ODR)
xyFit() Funktionsanpassung an Datenpunkte (x_i, y_i=f(x_i)) mit (korrelierten) x- und y-Unsicherheiten mit phyFit
hFit() maximum-likelihood-Anpassung einer Verteilungsdichte an Histogramm-Daten mit phyFit
mFit() Anpassung einer Nutzerdefinierten Kostenfunktion oder einer Verteilungsdichte an ungebinnete Daten mit der maximum-likelood Methode (mit phyFit)
xFit() Anpassung eines Modells an indizierte Daten x_i=x_i(x_j, *par) mit phyFit
k2Fit() Funktionsanpassung mit (korrelierten) x- und y-Unsicherheiten mit dem Paket kafe2 an Datenpunkte (x_i , y_i=f(x_i))
Erzeugung simulierter Daten mit MC-Methode:
smearData() Addieren von zufälligen Unsicherheiten auf Eingabedaten
generateXYdata() Erzeugen simulierter Datenpunkte (x+Delta_x, y+Delta_y)
Die folgenden Beispiele im Unterverzeichnis PhyPraKit/examples/ dienen der Illustration der Anwendung der zahlreichen Funktionen.
Eine direkt im Browser ausführbare Installation von PhyPraKit gibt es auf
Beispiele zur Anwendung der Module aus PhyPraKit ist ein Beispiel zum Einlesen von Spalten aus Textdateien; die zugehörigen Metadaten können ebenfalls an das Script übergeben werden und stehen so bei der Auswertung zur Verfügung. liest Ausgabedateien im allgemeinem .txt-Format; ASCII-Sonderzeichen außer dem Spalten-Trenner werden ersetzt, ebenso wie das deutsche Dezimalkomma durch den Dezimalpunkt liest Ausgabedateien von USB-Oszillographen der Marke PicoScope im Format .csv oder .txt. liest Ausgabedateien von Leybold CASSY im .labx-Format. Die Kopfzeilen und Daten von Messreihen werden als Listen in Python zur Verfügung gestellt. liest die Datei Wellenform.csv und bestimmt Maxima und fallende Flanken des Signals. liest die Datei AudioData.csv und führt eine Analyse der Autokorrelation zur Frequenzbestimmung durch. illustriert die Durchführung einer Fourier-Transfomation eines periodischen Signals, das in der PicoScope-Ausgabedatei Wellenform.csv enthalten ist. illustriert die Anwendung von numerisch berechneter Fehlerfortpflanzung und korrekter Rundung von Größen mit Unsicherheit ist eine einfachere Version mit python-Bordmitteln zur Anpassung einer Geraden an Messdaten mit Unsicherheiten in Ordinaten- und Abszissenrichtung. Korrelierte Unsicherheiten werden nicht unterstützt.
test_xyFit dient zur Anpassung einer beliebigen Funktion an Messdaten mit Unsicherheiten in Ordinaten- und Abszissenrichtung und mit allen Messpunkten gemeinsamen (d. h. korrelierten) relativen oder absoluten systematischen Fehlern. Dazu wird das Paket imunit verwendet, das den am CERN entwickelten Minimierer MINUIT nutzt. Da die Kostenfunktion frei definiert und auch während der Anpassung dynamisch aktualisiert werden kann, ist die Implementierung von Parameter-abhängigen Unsicherheiten möglich. Ferner unterstützt iminuit die Erzeugung und Darstellung von Profil-Likelihood-Kurven und Konfidenzkonturen, die so mit xyFit ebenfalls dargestellt werden können. verwendet das funktionsreiche Anpassungspaket kafe2 zur Anpassung einer Funktion an Messdaten mit unabhängigen oder korrelierten relativen oder absoluten Unsicherheiten in Ordinaten- und Abszissenrichtung. illustriert die Durchführung einer einfachen linearen Regression mit kafe2 mit einer minimalen Anzahl eigener Codezeilen. führt eine Anpassung einer Verteilungsdichte an Histogrammdaten mit kafe2 durch. Die Kostenfunktion ist das zweifache der negativen log-Likelihood-Funktion der Poisson-Verteilung, Poiss(k; lam), oder - optional - ihrer Annäherung durch eine Gauß-Verteilung mit Gauss(x, mu=lam, sig**2=lam). Die Unsicherheiten werden aus der Modellvorhersage bestimmt, um auch Bins mit wenigen oder sogar null Einträgen korrekt zu behandeln.
test_hFit illustriert die Anpassung einer Verteilungsdichte an histogrammierte Daten. Die Kostenfunktion für die Minimierung ist das zweifache der negativen log-Likelihood-Funktion der Poisson-Verteilung, Poiss(k; lam), oder - optional - ihrer Annäherung durch eine Gauß-Verteilung mit Gauss(x, mu=lam, sig**2=lam). Die Unsicherheiten werden aus der Modellvorhersage bestimmt, um auch Bins mit wenigen oder sogar null Einträgen korrekt zu behandeln. Grundsätzlich wird eine normierte Verteilungsdichte angepasst; es ist aber optional auch möglich, die Anzahl der Einträge mit zu berücksichtigen, um so z. B. die Poisson-Unsicherheit der Gesamtanzahl der Histogrammeinträge zu berücksichtigen.
test_mlFit illustriert die Anpassung einer Verteilungsdichte an ungebinnte Daten mit der maximum-likelihood Methode. Die Kostenfunktion für die Minimierung ist der negative natürliche Logarithmus der vom Nutzer agegebenen Verteilungsdichte (oder, optional, deren Zweifaches).
test_xFit ist ein Beispiel für eine Anpassung einer Modellvorhersage an allgemeine Eingabedaten (“indizierte Daten” x_1, …, x_n). Dabei sind die x_i Funktionen der Parameter p_i einer Modellvorhersage, und ggf. auch von Elementen x_j der Eingabedaten: x_i(x_j, *par). In diesem Beispiel werden zwei Messungen eines Ortes in Polarkoordinaten gemittelt und in kartesische Koordinaten umgerechnet. Bei dieser nicht-linearen Transformation weden sowohl die Zentralwerte als auch Konfidenzkonturen korrekt bestimmt. ist ein Beispiel zur Darstellung und statistischen Auswertung von Häufigkeitsverteilungen (Histogrammen) in ein oder zwei Dimensionen. zeigt, wie man mit Hilfe von Zufallszahlen “künstliche Daten” zur Veranschaulichung oder zum Test von Methoden zur Datenauswertung erzeugen kann. führt eine große Anzahl Anpassungen an simulierte Daten durch. Durch Vergleich der wahren Werte mit den aus der Anpassung bestimmten Schätzwerte und deren Unsicherheiten lassen sich Verzerrungen der Parameterschätzungen, die korrekte Überdeckung der in der Anpassung geschätzen Konfidenzbereiche für die Parameter, Korrelationen der Parameter oder die Form der Verteilung der \(\chi^2\)-Wahrscheinlichkeit überprüfen, die im Idealfall eine Rechteckverteilung im Intervall [0,1] sein sollte.
Komplexere Beispiele für konkrete Anwendungen in Praktika
Die folgenden python-Skripte sind etwas komplexer und illustrieren typische Anwendungsfälle der Module in PhyPraKit: demonstriert die Analyse einer Strom-Spannungskennlinie am Beispiel von (künstlichen) Daten, an die die Shockley-Gleichung angepasst wird. Typisch für solche Messungen über einen weiten Bereich von Stromstärken ist die Änderung des Messbereichs und damit der Anzeigegenauigkeit des verwendeten Messgeräts. Im steil ansteigenden Teil der Strom-Spannungskennlinie dominieren die Unsicherheiten der auf der x-Achse aufgetragen Spannungsmesswere. Eine weitere Komponente der Unsicherheit ergibt sich aus der Kalibrationsgenauigkeit des Messgeräts, die als relative, korrelierte Unsicherheit aller Messwerte berücksichtigt werden muss. Das Beispiel zeigt, wie man in diesem Fall die Kovarianzmatrix aus Einzelunsicherheiten aufbaut. Die Funktionen k2Fit() und xyfit() bieten dazu komfortable und leicht zu verwendende Interfaces, deren Anwendung zur Umsetzung des komplexen Fehlermodells in diesem Beispiel gezeigt wird. demonstriert die Analyse von am Drehpendel mit CASSY aufgenommenen Daten. Enthalten sind einfache Funktionen zum Filtern und Bearbeiten der Daten, zur Suche nach Extrema und Anpassung einer Einhüllenden, zur diskreten Fourier-Transformation und zur Interpolation von Messdaten mit kubischen Spline-Funktionen. demonstriert die Analyse von Daten, die mit einem USB-Oszilloskop der Marke PicoScope am Versuch zur Hysterese aufgenommen wurden. Die aufgezeichneten Werte für Strom und B-Feld werden in einen Zweig für steigenden und fallenden Strom aufgeteilt, mit Hilfe von kubischen Splines interpoliert und dann integriert. zeigt eine typische Auswertung periodischer Daten am Beispiel der akustischen Anregung eines Metallstabs. Genutzt werden Fourier-Transformation und eine Suche nach charakteristischen Extrema. Die Zeitdifferenzen zwischen deren Auftreten im Muster werden bestimmt, als Häufgkeitsverteilung dargestellt und die Verteilungen statistisch ausgewertet. illustiert die simultane Anpassung von Parametern an mehrere, gleichartige Messreihen, die mit kafe2 möglich ist. Ein Anwendungsfall sind mehrere Messreihen mit der gleichen Apparatur, um die Eigenschaften von Materialien in Proben mit unterschiedlicher Geometrie zu bestimmen, wie z. B. die Elastizität oder den spezifischen Widerstand an Proben mit unterschiedlichen Querschnitten und Längen. Auf die Apparatur zurückzuführende Unsicherheiten sind in allen Messreihen gleich, auch die interessierende Materialeigenschaft ist immer die gleiche, lediglich die unterschiedlichen Gemoetrie-Parameter und die jeweils bestimmten Werte der Messreihen haben eigene, unabhängige Unsicherheiten. zeigt, wie man mittels Parametertransformation die Einzelbrennweiten der beiden Linsen eines Zwei-Linsensystems aus der Systembrennweite und den Hauptebenenlagen bestimmen kann. Dabei wird neben der Transformation auf den neuen Parametersatz auch eine Mittelung über mehrere Messreihen durchgeführt, deren Ergebnisse ihrerseits aus Anpassungen gewonnen wurden. Die Paramtertransformation wird als Anpassungsproblem mit einer \(\chi^2\) Kostenfunktion behandelt und so auch die Konfidenzkonturen der neuen Parameter bestimmt. liest mit dem Vielkanalanalysator des CASSY-Systems im .labx -Format gespeicherten Dateien ein (Beispieldatei GammaSpektra.labx).
Stand-alone Tools für Standard-Aufgaben:
Für Standardaufgaben gibt es einige Python-Programme im Verzeichnis PhyPraKit/tools/, die als stand-alone Anwendungen gedacht sind. Die Programme sind auch Teil des Installationspakets und werden im Bereich der ausführbaren Skripe abgelegt. Sie können von allen Stellen im Dateisystem aus aufgerufen werden, wenn das entsprechende Verzeichnis im der Suchliste des Betriebssystems aufgeführt ist. Im Normalfall wird dies bei der Python-Installation erledigt.
Daten darstellen mit dem Skript
Mitunter ist eine einfache und unkomplizierte Darstellung von Daten erwünscht, ohne speziellen Python-Code zu erstellen. Damit das funktioniert, müssen die Daten in einem Standardformat vorliegen. Dazu empfiehlt sich die Datenbeschreibungssprache yaml, mit der auch die notwendigen “Meta-Daten” wie Titel, Art des Datensatzes und der auf der x- und y-Achse darzustellenden Daten angegeben werden können. Die Daten und deren Unsicherheiten werden als Liste von durch Kommata getrennten Dezimalzahlen (mit Dezimalpunkt!) angegeben.
Das Skript unterstützt die Darstellun von Datenpunkten (x,y) mit Unsicherheiten und Histogramme. Die Beispieldateien ‘data.yaml’ und hData.yaml erläutern das unterstützte einfache Datenformat.
Für (x,y)-Daten:
title: <title of plot> x_label: <label for x-axis> y_label: <label for y-axis> label: <name of data set> x_data: [ x1, x2, ... , xn] y_data: [ y1, y2, ... , yn ] x_errors: x-uncertainty or [ex1, ex2, ..., exn] y_errors: y-uncertainty or [ey1, ey2, ..., eyn] Bei Eingabe von mehreren Datensätzen werden diese getrennt durch ... --- label: <name of 2nd data set> x_data: [ 2nd set of x values ] y_data: [ 2nd set of y values ] x_errors: x-uncertainty or [x-uncertainties] y_errors: y-uncertainty or [y-uncertainties]und für Histogrammdaten:
title: <title of plot> x_label: <label for x-axis> y_label: <label for y-axis> label: <name of data set> raw_data: [x1, ... , xn] # define binning n_bins: n bin_range: [x_min, x_max] # alternatively: # bin edges: [e0, ..., en] # wie oben ist Eingabe von mehreren Datensätzen möglich, getrennt durch ... ---Zur Ausführung dient die Eingabe von
python3 [option] <yaml.datei>
auf der Kommandozeile.
python3 -h
gibt die unterstützen Optionen aus.Wenn in der yaml-Datei eine Modellfunktion angeben ist, wird sie in der Grafik ebenfalls angezeigt. Der yaml-Block dazu sieht folgendermaßen aus:
# optional model specification model_label: <model name> model_function: | <Python code of model function>Es ist auch möglich, nur die Modellfunktion anzuzeigen, wenn keine Daten (y_data oder raw_data) angegeben werden. Minimale Daten zu den x-Werten (x_data oder bin_range) werden aber dennoch benötigt, um den Wertebereich auf der x-Achse festzulegen.
Einfache Anpassungen mit
Die notwendigen Informationen zur Durchführung von Anpassungen können ebenfalls als Datei angegeben werden, die in der Datenbeschreibungssprache yaml erstellt wurden.
Zur Ausführung dient die Eingabe von
python3 [option] <yaml.datei>
auf der Kommandozeile. zeigt am Beispiel der Anpassung einer Parabel, wie mit ganz wenigen Eingaben eine Anpassung durchgeführt werden kann. ist ein komplexeres Beispiel, das alle phyFit unterstützten Arten von Unsicherheiten (d.h. x/y, absolut/relativ und unabhängig/korreliert) enthält; relative Unsicherheiten werden dabei auf den Modellwert und nicht auf die gemessenen Datenpunkte bezogen. zeigt die Anpassung einer Gaußverteilug an histogrammierte Daten.
Anpassungen mit kafe2go
Alternativ kann auch das Skript kafe2go aus dem Paket kafe2, verwendet werden, mit dem ebenfalls Anpassungen von Modellen an Messdaten ohne eigenen Python-Code erstellt weden können. Ausgeführt wird die Anpassung durch Eingabe von
kafe2go [option] <yaml.datei>
auf der Kommandozeile. zeigt am Beispiel der Anpassung einer Parabel, wie mit ganz wenigen Eingaben eine Anpassung durchgeführt werden kann. ist ein komplexeres Beispiel, das alle von kafe2 unterstützten Arten von Unsicherheiten (d.h. x/y, absolut/relativ und unabhängig/korreliert) enthält; relative Unsicherheiten werden dabei auf den Modellwert und nicht auf die gemessenen Datenpunkte bezogen.
Konversion vom csv-Format nach yaml
Mit dem Programm können Daten im (spaltenweise organisierten) csv-Format in einen yaml-Datenblock konveriert werden, den man dann direkt mit Hilfe eines Text-Editors in eine yaml-Datei einfügen kann. Auch die in Programmen wie MS-Excel standardmäßig vorgesehne Darstellung von Dezimalstellen mit Dezimalkomma wird bei der Konversion in das in allen wissenschaftlichen Programmen übliche Dezimalformat mit Dezimalpunkt konvertiert.
Module Documentation¶
- PhyPraKit
a collection of tools for data handling, visualisation and analysis in Physics Lab Courses, recommended for “Physikalisches Praktikum am KIT”
Sub-modules phyTools and phyFit
type help(PhyPraKit.phyTools) or help(PhyPraKit.phyFit) for an overview of the functionality.
package phyTools
Collection of tools for data handling, visualisation and analysis in Physics Lab Courses, recommended for “Physikalisches Praktikum am KIT”
Author: Guenter Quast, initial version Aug. 2017, updated July 2023
phyTools contains the following functions:
Data input/output:
readColumnData() read data and meta-data from text file
readCSV() read data in csv-format from file with header
readtxt() read data in “txt”-format from file with header
readPicoScope() read data from PicoScope
readCassy() read CASSY output file in .txt format
labxParser() read CASSY output file, .labx format
writeCSV() write data in csv-format (opt. with header)
writeTexTable() write data in LaTeX table format
round_to_error() round to same number of significant digits as uncertainty
ustring() return rounded value +/- uncertainty as formatted string; alternative: the data type ufloat(v,u) of package uncertainties comfortably supports printing of values v with uncertainties u.
signal processing:
offsetFilter() subtract an offset in array a
meanFilter() apply sliding average to smoothen data
resample() average over n samples
simplePeakfinder() find peaks and dips in an array, (recommend to use convolutionPeakfinder)
convolutionPeakfinder() find maxima (peaks) in an array
convolutionEdgefinder() find maxima of slope (rising) edges in an array
Fourier_fft() fast Fourier transformation of an array
FourierSpectrum() Fourier transformation of an array (slow, preferably use fft version)
autocorrelate() auto-correlation function
wmean calculate weighted mean
BuildCovarianceMatrix build covariance matrix from individual uncertainties
Cov2Cor convert covariance matrix to correlation matrix
Cor2Cov convert correlation matrix + errors to covariance matrix
chi2prob caclulate chi^2 probability
propagatedError determine propagated uncertainty, with covariance; hint: the data type ufloat(v,u) of package uncertainties comfortably supports functions of values v with uncertainties u with correct error propagation
getModelError determine uncertainty of parameter-dependent model function
histograms tools:
barstat() statistical information (mean, sigma, error_on_mean) from bar chart
nhist() histogram plot based on np.historgram() and better use matplotlib.pyplot.hist()
histstat() statistical information from 1d-histogram
nhist2d() 2d-histotram plot based on np.histrogram2d, plt.colormesh() (better use matplotlib.pyplot.hist2d)
hist2dstat() statistical information from 2d-histogram
profile2d() “profile plot” for 2d data
chi2p_indep2d() chi2 test on independence of data
plotCorrelations() distributions and correlations of a multivariate data set
linear regression and function fitting:
linRegression() linear regression, y=ax+b, with analytical formula
odFit() fit function with x and y errors (wit package scipy ODR)
xyFit() fit with with correlated x and y errors, profile likelihood and contour lines (module phyFit)
xFit() fit of parameters to indexed data x_i (module phyFit)
hFit() fit of a density to histogram data (module phyFit)
mFit() fit of a user-defined cost function, or of a density to unbinned data (module phyFit)
k2Fit() fit function with (correlated) errors on x and y with package kafe2
k2hFit() fit of a density to histogram data with package kafe2
simulated data with MC-method:
smearData() add random deviations to input data
generateXYdata() generate simulated data
phyFit fitting package for binned and unbinned ML fits and ML fits to (x,y) data
mFit() unbinned ML fit with user-defined negLogL or PDF
hFit() fit to binned histogram data
xFit() fit of parameters to indexed data x_i, with x_i=x_i(x_j, *par)
xyFit() fit to (x,y) data with y = f(x; *par)
helper functions
check_function_code() check Python code before using it in exec() command
csv2yaml() convert csv format to yaml data block
plot_xy_from_yaml() plot (xy) data from yaml file
plot_hist_from_yaml() plot histogram data from yaml file
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.BuildCovarianceMatrix(sig, sigc=[])¶
Construct a covariance matrix from independent and correlated error components
- Args:
sig: iterable of independent errors
sigc: list of iterables of correlated uncertainties
- Returns:
covariance Matrix as numpy-array
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.Cor2Cov(sig, C)¶
Convert a correlation matrix and error into covariance matrix
- Args:
sig: 1d numpy array of correlated uncertainties
C: correlation matrix as numpy array
- Returns:
V: covariance matrix as numpy array
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.Cov2Cor(V)¶
Convert a covariance matrix into diagonal errors + correlation matrix
- Args:
V: covariance matrix as numpy array
- Returns:
diag uncertainties (sqrt of diagonal elements)
C: correlation matrix as numpy array
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.FourierSpectrum(t, a, fmax=None)¶
Fourier transform of amplitude spectrum a(t), for equidistant sampling times (a simple implementation for didactical purpose only, consider using
)- Args:
t: np-array of time values
a: np-array amplitude a(t)
- Returns:
arrays freq, amp: frequencies and amplitudes
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.Fourier_fft(t, a)¶
Fourier transform of the amplitude spectrum a(t)
- method:
uses numpy.fft and numpy.fftfreq; output amplitude is normalised to number of samples;
- Args:
t: np-array of time values
a: np-array amplidude a(t)
- Returns:
arrays f, a_f: frequencies and amplitudes
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.autocorrelate(a)¶
calculate auto-correlation function of input array
method: for array of length l, calculate a[0]=sum_(i=0)^(l-1) a[i]*[i] and a[i]= 1/a[0] * sum_(k=0)^(l-i) a[i] * a[i+k-1] for i=1,l-1
- Args:
a: np-array
- Returns
np-array of len(a), the auto-correlation function
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.barstat(bincont, bincent, pr=True)¶
statistics from a bar chart (histogram) with given bin contents and bin centres
- Args:
bincont: array with bin content
bincent: array with bin centres
- Returns:
float: mean, sigma and sigma on mean
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.check_function_code(code_string)¶
Check Python code before using it in exec() command
Watch out for “dangerous” actions
- Args:
user-defined code
- Returns:
function name
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.chi2p_indep2d(H2d, bcx, bcy, pr=True)¶
perform a chi2-test on independence of x and y
method: chi2-test on compatibility of 2d-distribution, f(x,y), with product of marginal distributions, f_x(x) * f_y(y)
- Args:
H2d: histogram array (as returned by histogram2d)
bcx: bin contents x (marginal distribution x)
bcy: bin contents y (marginal distribution y)
- Returns:
float: p-value w.r.t. assumption of independence
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.chi2prob(chi2, ndf)¶
- Args:
chi2: chi2 value
ndf: number of degrees of freedom
- Returns:
float: chi2 probability
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.convolutionEdgefinder(a, width=10, th=0.0)¶
find positions of maximal positive slope in data
- method:
convolute array a with an edge template of given width and return extrema of convoluted signal, i.e. places of rising edges
- Args:
a: array-like, input data
width: int, width of signal to search for
th: float, 0.<= th <=1., relative threshold above (global)minimum
- Returns:
pidx: list, indices (in original array) of rising edges
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.convolutionFilter(a, v, th=0.0)¶
convolute normalized array with template function and return maxima
- method:
convolute array a with a template and return extrema of convoluted signal, i.e. places where template matches best
- Args:
a: array-like, input data
a: array-like, template
th: float, 0.<= th <=1., relative threshold for places of best match above (global) minimum
- Returns:
pidx: list, indices (in original array) of best matches
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.convolutionPeakfinder(a, width=10, th=0.0)¶
- find positions of all Peaks in data
(simple version for didactical purpose, consider using
)- method:
convolute array a with rectangular template of given width and return extrema of convoluted signal, i.e. places where template matches best
- Args:
a: array-like, input data
width: int, width of signal to search for
th: float, 0.<= th <=1., relative threshold for peaks above (global)minimum
- Returns:
pidx: list, indices (in original array) of peaks
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.csv2yaml(file, nlhead=1, delim='\t', keyline=0)¶
read floating point data in general csv format and convert to yaml
skip header lines, replace decimal comma, remove special characters, and ouput as yaml data block
- Args:
file: file name or open file handler
nhead: number of header lines; keys taken from first header line
delim: column separator
- Returns:
hlines: list of string, header lines
ymltxt: list of text lines, each with yaml key and data
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.generateXYdata(xdata, model, sx, sy, mpar=None, srelx=None, srely=None, xabscor=None, yabscor=None, xrelcor=None, yrelcor=None)¶
Generate measurement data according to some model assumes xdata is measured within the given uncertainties; the model function is evaluated at the assumed “true” values xtrue, and a sample of simulated measurements is obtained by adding random deviations according to the uncertainties given as arguments.
- Args:
xdata: np-array, x-data (independent data)
model: function that returns (true) model data (y-dat) for input x
mpar: list of parameters for model (if any)
- the following are single floats or arrays of length of x
sx: gaussian uncertainty(ies) on x
sy: gaussian uncertainty(ies) on y
srelx: relative Gaussian uncertainty(ies) on x
srely: relative Gaussian uncertainty(ies) on y
- the following are common (correlated) systematic uncertainties
xabscor: absolute, correlated error on x
yabscor: absolute, correlated error on y
xrelcor: relative, correlated error on x
yrelcor: relative, correlated error on y
- Returns:
np-arrays of floats:
xtrue: true x-values
ytrue: true value = model(xtrue)
ydata: simulated data
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.getModelError(x, model, pvals, pcov)¶
determine uncertainty of model at x from parameter uncertainties
- Formula:
Delta(x) = sqrt( sum_i,j (df/dp_i(x) df/dp_j(x) Vp_i,j) )
- Args:
x: scalar or 1d-array of x values
model: model function
pvals: parameter values
covp: covariance matrix of parameters
Returns: * model uncertainty/ies, same length as x
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.hFit(*args, **kwargs)¶
call hFit from .phyFit
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.hist2dstat(H2d, xed, yed, pr=True)¶
calculate statistical information from 2d Histogram
- Args:
H2d: histogram array (as returned by histogram2d)
xed: bin edges in x
yed: bin edges in y
- Returns:
float: mean x
float: mean y
float: variance x
float: variance y
float: covariance of x and y
float: correlation of x and y
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.histstat(binc, bine, pr=True)¶
calculate mean, standard deviation and uncertainty on mean of a histogram with bin-contents binc and bin-edges bine
- Args:
binc: array with bin content
bine: array with bin edges
- Returns:
float: mean, sigma and sigma on mean
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.k2Fit(func, x, y, sx=None, sy=None, srelx=None, srely=None, xabscor=None, yabscor=None, xrelcor=None, yrelcor=None, ref_to_model=True, constraints=None, p0=None, dp0=None, limits=None, plot=True, axis_labels=['x-data', 'y-data'], data_legend='data', model_expression=None, model_name=None, model_legend='model', model_band='$\\pm 1 \\sigma$', fit_info=True, plot_band=True, asym_parerrs=True, plot_cor=False, showplots=True, quiet=True)¶
Fit an arbitrary function func(x, *par) to data points (x, y) with independent and correlated absolute and/or relative errors on x- and y- values with package iminuit.
Correlated absolute and/or relative uncertainties of input data are specified as numpy-arrays of floats; they enter in the diagonal and off-diagonal elements of the covariance matrix. Values of 0. may be specified for data points not affected by a correlated uncertainty. E.g. the array [0., 0., 0.5., 0.5] results in a correlated uncertainty of 0.5 of the 3rd and 4th data points. Providing lists of such array permits the construction of arbitrary covariance matrices from independent and correlated uncertainties uncertainties of (groups of) data points.
- Args:
func: function to fit
x: np-array, independent data
y: np-array, dependent data
components of uncertainty (optional, use None if not relevant)
- single float, array of length of x, or a covariance matrix
sx: scalar, 1d or 2d np-array, uncertainty(ies) on x
sy: scalar, 1d or 2d np-array, uncertainty(ies) on y
- single float or array of length of x
srelx: scalar or 1d np-array, relative uncertainties x
srely: scalar or 1d np-array, relative uncertainties y
- single float or array of length of x, or a list of such objects,
used to construct a covariance matrix from components
xabscor: scalar or 1d np-array, absolute, correlated error(s) on x
yabscor: scalar or 1d np-array, absolute, correlated error(s) on y
xrelcor: scalar or 1d np-array, relative, correlated error(s) on x
yrelcor: scalor or 1d np-array, relative, correlated error(s) on y
- fit options
ref_to_model, bool: refer relative errors to model if true, else use measured data
p0: array-like, initial guess of parameters
dp0: array-like, initial guess of parameter uncertainties
parameter constraints: (name, value, uncertainty)
limits: (nested) list(s) (name, min, max)
- output options
plot: flag to switch off graphical output
axis_labels: list of strings, axis labels x and y
data_legend: legend entry for data points
model_name: latex name for model function
model_expression: latex expression for model function
model_legend: legend entry for model
model_band: legend entry for model uncertainty band
fit_info: controls display of fit results on figure
plot_band: suppress model uncertainty-band if False
asym_parerrs: show (asymmetric) errors from profile-likelihood scan
plot_cor: show profile curves and contour lines
showplots: show plots on screen, default = True
quiet: controls text output
- Returns:
list: parameter names
np-array of float: parameter values
np-array of float: negative and positive parameter errors
np-array: cor correlation matrix
float: chi2 chi-square
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.k2hFit(fitf, data, bin_edges, p0=None, dp0=None, constraints=None, fixPars=None, limits=None, use_GaussApprox=False, fit_density=True, plot=True, plot_cor=False, showplots=True, plot_band=True, plot_residual=False, quiet=True, axis_labels=['x', 'counts/bin = f(x, *par)'], data_legend='Histogram Data', model_legend='Model', model_expression=None, model_name=None, model_band='$\\pm 1 \\sigma$', fit_info=True, asym_parerrs=True)¶
Wrapper function to fit a density distribution f(x, *par) to binned data (histogram) with class mnFit
The cost function is two times the negative log-likelihood of the Poisson distribution, or - optionally - of the Gaussian approximation.
Uncertainties are determined from the model values in order to avoid biases and to take account of empty bins of an histogram.
- Args:
fitf: model function to fit, arguments (float:x, float: *args)
data: the data to be histogrammed
bin_edges: bin edges
fit options
p0: array-like, initial guess of parameter values
dp0: array-like, initial guess of parameter uncertainties
constraints: (nested) list(s) [name or id, value, error]
limits: (nested) list(s) [name or id, min, max]
use_GaussApprox: Gaussian approximation instead of Poisson
output options
plot: show data and model if True
plot_cor: show profile likelihoods and confidence contours
plot_band: plot uncertainty band around model function
plot_residual: also plot residuals w.r.t. model
showplots: show plots on screen
quiet: suppress printout
axis_labes: list of tow strings, axis labels
data_legend: legend entry for data
model_legend: legend entry for model
plot: flag to switch off graphical output
axis_labels: list of strings, axis labels x and y
model_name: latex name for model function
model_expression: latex expression for model function
model_band: legend entry for model uncertainty band
fit_info: controls display of fit results on figure
asym_parerrs: show (asymmetric) errors from profile-likelihood scan
- Returns:
list: parameter names
np-array of float: parameter values
np-array of float: negative and positive parameter errors
np-array: cor correlation matrix
float: goodness-of-fit (equiv. chi2 for large number of entries/bin)
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.labxParser(file, prlevel=1, unzip=False)¶
read files in xml-format or zipped xml-format produced with Leybold CASSY
- Args:
file: input data in .labx format
prlevel: control printout level, 0=no printout
unzip: unpack file prior to decoding if True
- Returns:
list of strings: tags of measurement vectors
2d list: measurement vectors read from file
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.linRegression(x, y, sy=None)¶
linear regression y(x) = ax + b
- method:
analytical formula
Args: * x: np-array, independent data * y: np-array, dependent data * sy: scalar or np-array, uncertainty on y
Returns: * float: a slope * float: b constant * float: sa sigma on slope * float: sb sigma on constant * float: cor correlation * float: chi2 chi-square
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.mFit(*args, **kwargs)¶
call mFit from .phyFit
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.meanFilter(a, width=5)¶
apply a sliding average to smoothen data,
- method:
value at index i and w=int(width/2) neighbours are averaged to from the new value at index i; averages over smaller ranges are taken at borders for indices <w or >l-w-1
- Args:
a: np-array of values
width: int, number of points to average over (if width is an even number, width+1 is used)
- Returns:
av smoothed signal curve
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.nhist(data, bins=50, xlabel='x', ylabel='frequency')¶
Histogram.hist show a one-dimensional histogram
- Args:
data: array containing float values to be histogrammed
bins: number of bins
xlabel: label for x-axis
ylabel: label for y axix
- Returns:
float arrays: bin contents and bin edges
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.nhist2d(x, y, bins=10, xlabel='x axis', ylabel='y axis', clabel='counts')¶
Histrogram.hist2d create and plot a 2-dimensional histogram
- Args:
x: array containing x values to be histogrammed
y: array containing y values to be histogrammed
bins: number of bins
xlabel: label for x-axis
ylabel: label for y axix
clabel: label for colour index
- Returns:
float array: array with counts per bin
float array: histogram edges in x
float array: histogram edges in y
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.odFit(fitf, x, y, sx=None, sy=None, p0=None)¶
fit an arbitrary function with errors on x and y uses numerical “orthogonal distance regression” from package scipy.odr
Args: * fitf: function to fit, arguments (array:P, float:x) * x: np-array, independent data * y: np-array, dependent data * sx: scalar or np-array, uncertainty(ies) on x * sy: scalar or np-array, uncertainty(ies) on y * p0: array-like, initial guess of parameters
Returns: * np-array of float: parameter values * np-array of float: parameter errors * np-array: cor correlation matrix * float: chi2 chi-square
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.offsetFilter(a)¶
correct an offset in array a (assuming a symmetric signal around zero) by subtracting the mean
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.plotCorrelations(vals, names=None)¶
plot histograms and sctter plots of value pairs as array of axes
vals: list of arrays [[v1_1, …], …, [vn_1, …]] of float, input data
names: list of labels for variables v1 to vn
axarray: array of axes
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.plot_hist_from_yaml(d)¶
plot histogram data from yaml file
dictionary from yaml input
matplotlib figure
yaml-format of input:
title: <title of plot> x_label: <label for x-axis> y_label: <label for y-axis> label: <name of data set> raw_data: [x1, ... , xn] # define binning n_bins: n bin_range: [x_min, x_max] # alternatively: # bin edges: [e0, ..., e_n] several input sets to be separated by ... ---
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.plot_xy_from_yaml(d)¶
plot (xy) data from yaml file
dictionary from yaml input
matplotlib figure
yaml-format of input:
title: <title of plot> x_label: <label for x-axis> y_label: <label for y-axis> label: <name of data set> x_data: [ x values ] y_data: [ y values ] x_errors: x-uncertainty or [x-uncertainties] y_errors: y-uncertainty or [y-uncertainties] several input sets to be separated by ... ---
In case a model function is also supplied, it is overlayed in the output graph. The corresponding yaml block looks as follows:
# optional model specification model_label: <model name> model_function: | <Python code of model function>
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.profile2d(H2d, xed, yed)¶
- generate a profile plot from 2d histogram:
mean y at a centre of x-bins, standard deviations as error bars
- Args:
H2d: histogram array (as returned by histogram2d)
xed: bin edges in x
yed: bin edges in y
- Returns:
float: array of bin centres in x
float: array mean
float: array rms
float: array sigma on mean
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.propagatedError(function, pvals, pcov)¶
determine propagated uncertainty (with covariance matrix)
Formula: Delta = sqrt( sum_i,j (df/dp_i df/dp_j Vp_i,j) )
- Args:
function: function of parameters pvals, a 1-d array is also allowed, e.g. function(*p) = f(x, *p)
pvals: parameter values
pcov: covariance matrix (or uncertainties) of parameters
- Returns:
uncertainty Delta( function(*par) )
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.readCSV(file, nlhead=1, delim=',')¶
read Data in .csv format, skip header lines
- Args:
file: string, file name
nhead: number of header lines to skip
delim: column separator
- Returns:
hlines: list of string, header lines
data: 2d array, 1st index for columns
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.readCassy(file, prlevel=0)¶
read Data exported from Cassy in .txt format
- Args:
file: string, file name
prlevel: printout level, 0 means silent
- Returns:
units: list of strings, channel units
data: tuple of arrays, channel data
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.readColumnData(fname, cchar='#', delimiter=None, pr=True)¶
read column-data from file
input is assumed to be columns of floats
characters following <cchar>, and <cchar> itself, are ignored
words with preceding ‘*’ are taken as keywords for meta-data, text following the keyword is returned in a dictionary
string fnam: file name
int ncols: number of columns
char delimiter: character separating columns
bool pr: print input to std out if True
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.readPicoScope(file, delim=',', prlevel=0)¶
read Data exported from PicoScope in .txt or .csv format use readtxt() to replace ‘,’ in Geman decimal format
- Args:
file: string, file name
prlevel: printout level, 0 means silent
- Returns:
units: list of strings, channel units
data: tuple of arrays, channel data
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.readtxt(file, nlhead=1, delim='\t')¶
read floating point data in general txt format skip header lines, replace decimal comma, remove special characters
- Args:
file: string, file name
nhead: number of header lines to skip
delim: column separator
- Returns:
hlines: list of string, header lines
data: 2d array, 1st index for columns
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.resample(a, t=None, n=11)¶
perform average over n data points of array a, return reduced array, eventually with corresponding time values
- method:
value at index i and int(width/2) neighbours are averaged to from the new value at index i
- Args:
a, t: np-arrays of values of same length
width: int, number of values of array a to average over (if width is an even number, width+1 is used)
- Returns:
av: array with reduced number of samples
tav: a second, related array with reduced number of samples
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.round_to_error(val, err, nsd_e=2)¶
round float val to corresponding number of significant digits as uncertainty err
- Arguments:
val, float: value
err, float: uncertainty of value
nsd_e, int: number of significant digits of err
- Returns:
int: number of significant digits for v
float: val rounded to precision of err
float: err rounded to precision nsd_e
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.simplePeakfinder(x, a, th=0.0)¶
- find positions of all maxima (peaks) in data
x-coordinates are determined from weighted average over 3 data points
- this only works for very smooth data with well defined extrema
instead- Args:
x: np-array of positions
a: np-array of values at positions x
th: float, threshold for peaks
- Returns:
np-array: x positions of peaks as weighted mean over neighbours
np-array: y values corresponding to peaks
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.smearData(d, s, srel=None, abscor=None, relcor=None)¶
Generate measurement data from “true” input by adding random deviations according to the uncertainties
- Args:
d: np-array, (true) input data
- the following are single floats or arrays of length of array d
s: Gaussian uncertainty(ies) (absolute)
srel: Gaussian uncertainties (relative)
- the following are common (correlated) systematic uncertainties
abscor: 1d np-array of floats or list of np-arrays: absolute correlated uncertainties
relcor: 1d np-array of floats or list of np-arrays: relative correlated uncertainties
- Returns:
np-array of floats: dm, smeared (=measured) data
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.ustring(v, e, pe=2)¶
v +/- e as formatted string with number of significant digits corresponding to precision pe of uncertainty
- Args:
v: value
e: uncertainty
pe: precision (=number of significant digits) of uncertainty
- Returns:
string: <v> +/- <e> with appropriate number of digits
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.wmean(x, sx, V=None, pr=True)¶
weighted mean of np-array x with uncertainties sx or covariance matrix V; if both are given, sx**2 is added to the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix
- Args:
x: np-array of values
sx: np-array uncertainties
V: optional, covariance matrix of x
pr: if True, print result
- Returns:
float: mean, sigma
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.writeCSV(file, ldata, hlines=[], fmt='%.10g', delim=',', nline='\n', **kwargs)¶
write data in .csv format, including header lines
- Args:
file: string, file name
ldata: list of columns to be written
hlines: list with header lines (optional)
fmt: format string (optional)
delim: delimiter to separate values (default comma)
nline: newline string
- Returns:
0/1 for success/fail
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.writeTexTable(file, ldata, cnames=[], caption='', fmt='%.10g')¶
write data formatted as latex tabular
- Args:
file: string, file name
ldata: list of columns to be written
cnames: list of column names (optional)
caption: LaTeX table caption (optional)
fmt: format string (optional)
- Returns:
0/1 for success/fail
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.xFit(*args, **kwargs)¶
call xFit from .phyFit
- PhyPraKit.phyTools.xyFit(*args, **kwargs)¶
call xyFit from .phyFit
package phyFit
Physics Fitting with iminiut [https://iminuit.readthedocs.ios/en/stable/]
Author: Guenter Quast, initial version Jan. 2021, updated July 2023
- Requirements:
Python >= 3.6
iminuit vers. > 2.0
scipy > 1.5.0
matplotlib > 3
The class uses the optimization and uncertainty-estimation package iminuit for fitting a parameter-dependent model f(x, *par) to data points (x, y) or a probability density function to binned histogram data or to unbinned data. Parameter estimation is based on pre-implemented Maximum-Likelihood methods, or on a user-defined cost function in the latter case, which provides maximum flexibility. Classical least-square methods are optionally available for comparison with other packages.
A unique feature of the package is the support of different kinds of uncertainties for x-y data, namely independent and/or correlated absolute and/or relative uncertainties in the x and/or y directions. Parameter estimation for density distributions is based on the shifted Poisson distribution, Poisson(x - loc, lambda), of the number of entries in each bin of a histogram.
Parameter constraints, i.e. external knowledge of parameters within Gaussian uncertainties, limits on parameters in order to avoid problematic regions in parameter space during the minimization process, and fixing of parameters, e.g. to include the validity range of a model in the parameters without affecting the fit, are also supported by mnFit.
- Method:
Uncertainties that depend on model parameters are treated by dynamically updating the cost function during the fitting process with iminuit. Data points with relative errors can thus be referred to the model instead of the data. The derivative of the model function w.r.t. x is used to project the covariance matrix of x-uncertainties on the y-axis.
Example functions xyFit(), hFit() and mFit(), illustrate how to control the interface of mnFit. A short example script is also provided to perform fits on sample data. The sequence of steps performed by these interface functions is rather general and straight-forward:
Fit = mnFit(fit_type) # initialize a mnFit object Fit.setOptions(run_minos=True, ...) # set options Fit.init_data(data, parameters ...) # initialize data container Fit.init_fit(ufcn, p0 = p0, ...) # initialize Fit (and minuit) resultDict = Fit.do_fit() # perform the fit (returns dictionary) resultTuple = Fit.getResult() # retrieve results as tuple of np-arrays Fit.plotModel() # plot data and best-fit model Fit.plotContours() # plot profiles and confidence contoursIt is also possible to run a fit without the need to provide own Python code. In this case, the data, uncertainties and the model are read from a file in yaml format and passed to the function xyFit_from_yaml() as a dictionary.
The implementation of the fitting procedure in this package is - intentionally - rather minimalistic, and it is meant to illustrate the principles of an advanced usage of iminuit. It is also intended to stimulate own applications of special, user-defined cost functions.
- The main features of this package are:
provisioning of cost functions for x-y and binned histogram fits
implementation of the least-squares method for correlated Gaussian errors
support for correlated x-uncertainties by projection on the y-axis
support of relative errors with reference to the model values
shifted Poisson distribution for binned likelihood fits to histograms
evaluation of profile likelihoods to determine asymmetric uncertainties
plotting of profile likelihood and confidence contours
The cost function that is optimized for x-y fits basically is a least-squares one, which is extended if parameter-dependent uncertainties are present. In the latter case, the logarithm of the determinant of the covariance matrix is added to the least-squares cost function, so that it corresponds to twice the negative log-likelihood of a multivariate Gaussian distribution. Fits to histogram data rely on the negative log-likelihood of the Poisson distribution, generalized to support fractional observed values, which may occur if corrections to the observed bin counts have to be applied. If there is a difference DeltaMu between the mean value and the variance of the number of entries in a bin due to corrections, a “shifted Poisson distribution”, Poiss(x-DeltaMu, lambda), is supported.
Fully functional applications of the package are illustrated in executable script below, which contains sample data, executes the fitting procedure and collects and displays the results.
- PhyPraKit.phyFit.decode_uDict(uDict)¶
Decode dictionary with uncertainties
yaml format:
type: “simple” or “matrix” error_value: number or array correlation_coefficient: 0. or 1. relative: false or true
uDict : dictionary with uncertainties
s: independent errors
srel: independent relative errors
sabscor: correlated absolute errors
srelcor: correlated relative errors
- PhyPraKit.phyFit.get_functionSignature(f)¶
get arguments and keyword arguments passed to a function
- PhyPraKit.phyFit.hFit(fitf, bin_contents, bin_edges, DeltaMu=None, model_kwargs=None, p0=None, dp0=None, constraints=None, fixPars=None, limits=None, use_GaussApprox=False, fit_density=True, plot=True, plot_cor=False, showplots=True, plot_band=True, plot_residual=False, same_plot=False, quiet=True, axis_labels=['x', 'counts/bin = f(x, *par)'], data_legend='Histogram Data', model_legend='Model', return_fitObject=False)¶
Wrapper function to fit a density distribution f(x, *par) to binned data (histogram) with class mnFit
The cost function is two times the negative log-likelihood of the Poisson distribution, or - optionally - of the Gaussian approximation.
Uncertainties are determined from the model values in order to avoid biases and to take account of empty bins of an histogram. The default behaviour is to fit a normalised density; optionally, it is also possible to fit the number of bin entries.
- Args:
fitf: model function to fit, arguments (float:x, float: *args)
DeltaMu: shift mean (=mu) vs. variance (=lam), for Poisson: mu=lam
model_kwargs: optional, fit parameters if not from model signature
p0: array-like, initial guess of parameters
dp0: array-like, initial guess of parameter uncertainties (optional)
constraints: (nested) list(s) [name or id, value, error]
limits: (nested) list(s) [name or id, min, max]
use_GaussApprox: Gaussian approximation instead of Poisson
density: fit density (not number of events)
plot: show data and model if True
plot_cor: show profile likelihoods and confidence contours
plot_band: plot uncertainty band around model function
same_plot: overlay fit info from previous call(s)
plot_residual: plot residuals w.r.t. model instead of model function
showplots: show plots on screen
quiet: suppress printout
axis_labes: list of tow strings, axis labels
data_legend: legend entry for data
model_legend: legend entry for model
bool: for experts only, return instance of class mnFit to give access to data members and methods
- Returns:
np-array of float: parameter values
2d np-array of float: parameter uncertainties [0]: neg. and [1]: pos.
np-array: correlation matrix
float: 2*negLog L, corresponding to chi-square of fit a minimum
- PhyPraKit.phyFit.hFit_from_yaml(fd, plot=True, plot_band=True, plot_cor=False, showplots=True, same_plot=True, quiet=True, return_fitObject=False)¶
Binned log-likelihood fit to histogram data with input from yaml file with phyfit.hFit()
- Args:
fd: fit input as a dictionary, extracted from a file in yaml format
plot: show data and model if True
plot_cor: show profile likelihoods and confidence contours
plot_band: plot uncertainty band around model function
plot_residual: plot residuals w.r.t. model instead of model function
showplots: show plots on screen - switch off if handled by calling process
quiet: suppress informative printout
- Returns:
result dictionary
optionally: produces result plots
simple example of yaml input:
# Example of a fit to histogram data type: histogram label: example data x_label: 'h' y_label: 'pdf(h)' # data: raw_data: [ 79.83,79.63,79.68,79.82,80.81,79.97,79.68,80.32,79.69,79.18, 80.04,79.80,79.98,80.15,79.77,80.30,80.18,80.25,79.88,80.02 ] n_bins: 15 bin_range: [79., 81.] # alternatively an array for the bin edges can be specified #bin_edges: [79., 79.5, 80, 80.5, 81.] model_density_function: | def normal_distribution(x, mu=80., sigma=1.): return np.exp(-0.5*((x - mu)/sigma)** 2)/np.sqrt(2.*np.pi*sigma** 2)
- PhyPraKit.phyFit.mFit(ufcn, data=None, model_kwargs=None, p0=None, dp0=None, constraints=None, limits=None, fixPars=None, neg2logL=True, plot=False, plot_band=True, plot_cor=False, showplots=True, quiet=True, same_plot=False, axis_labels=['x', 'Density = f(x, *par)'], data_legend='data', model_legend='model', return_fitObject=False)¶
Wrapper function to directly fit a user-defined cost funtion
This is the simplest fit possible with the class mnFit. If no data is specified (data=None), a user-supplied cost function (ufcn) is minimized and an estimation of the parameter uncertainties performed, assuming the cost function is a negative log-likelihood function (nlL or 2nLL).
In case data is provided, the user function ufcn(data, *par) is interpreted as a parameter-dependent probability density function, and the parameters are determined in an unbinned log-likelihood approach.
- Args:
ufcn: user-defined cost function or pdf to be minimized;
ufcn(*par): the uncertainty estimation relies on this being a negative log-likelihood function (‘nlL’); in this case, no data is to be provided, i.e. data=None.
ufcn(x, *par): a probability density of the data x depending on the set of parameters par.
data, optional, array of floats: optional input data
model_kwargs: optional, fit parameters if not from model signature
p0: array-like, initial guess of parameters
dp0: array-like, initial guess of parameter uncertainties (optional)
constraints: (nested) list(s) [name or id, value, error]
limits: (nested) list(s) [name or id, min, max]
neg2logL: use 2 * nlL (corresponding to a least-squares-type cost)
plot: show data and model if True
plot_band: plot uncertainty band around model function
plot_cor: plot likelihood profiles and confidence contours of parameters
showplots: show plots on screen (can also be done by calling script)
quiet: controls verbose output
bool: for experts only, return instance of class mnFit to give access to data members and methods
- class PhyPraKit.phyFit.mnFit(fit_type='xy')¶
Fit an arbitrary function f(x, *par) to data with independent and/or correlated absolute and/or relative uncertainties
This implementation depends on and heavily uses features of the minimizer and uncertainty-estimator iminuit.
Public Data member
fit_type: ‘xy’ (default), ‘hist’, ‘user’ or ‘ml’, controls type of fit
Public methods:
init_data(): generic wrapper for init_*Data() methods
init_fit(): generic wrapper for init_*Fit() methods
setOptions(): generic wrapper for set_*Options() methods
do_fit(): generic wrapper for do_*Fit() methods
plotModel(): plot model function and data
plotContours(): plot profile likelihoods and confidence contours
getResult(): access to final fit results
getFunctionError(): uncertainty of model at point(s) x for parameters p
plot_Profile(): plot profile Likelihood for parameter
plot_clContour(): plot confidence level contour for pair of parameters
plot_nsigContour(): plot n-sigma contours for pair of parameters
getProfile(): return profile likelihood of parameter pnam
getContour(): return contour points of pair of parameters
xyDataContainer: Data and uncertainties for x-y data
histDataContainer: Container for histogram data
mlDataContainter: Container for general (indexed) data
xLSqCost: Extended chi^2 cost function for fits to x-y data
hCost: Cost function for (binned) histogram data (2*negl. log. Likelihood of Poisson distribution)
mnCost: user-supplied cost function or negative log-likelihood of user-supplied probability distribution
init_xyData(): initialize xy data and uncertainties
init_hData(): initialize histogram data and uncertainties
init_mlData(): store data for unbinned likelihood-fit
init_xyFit(): initialize xy fit: data, model and constraints
init_hFit(): initialize histogram fit: data, model and constraints
init_mnFit(): initialize histogram simple minuit fit
set_xyOptions(): set options for xy Fit
set_hOptions(): set options for histogram Fit
set_mnOptions(): set options for simple minuit fit with external cost function
do_xyFit(): perform xy fit
do_hFit(): perform histogram fit
do_mnFit(): simple minuit fit with external, user-defined cost function
Data members:
iminuit_version version of iminuit
options, dict: list of options
ParameterNames: names of parameters (as specified in model function)
nconstraints number of constrained parameters
nfixed number of fixed parameters
freeParNams: names of free parameters
GoF: goodness-of-fit, i.e. chi2 at best-fit point
NDoF: number of degrees of freedom
ParameterValues: parameter values at best-fit point
MigradErrors: symmetric uncertainties
CovarianceMatrix: covariance matrix
CorrelationMatrix: correlation matrix
OneSigInterval: one-sigma (68% CL) ranges of parameter values from MINOS - ResultDictionary: dictionary wih summary of fit results
for xyFit:
covx: covariance matrix of x-data
covy: covariance matrix of y-data
cov: combined covariance matrix, including projected x-uncertainties
Instances of (sub-)classes:
minuit.*: methods and members of Minuit object
data.*: methods and members of data sub-class, generic
costf.*: methods and members of cost sub-class, generic
- static CL2Chi2(CL)¶
calculate DeltaChi2 from confidence level CL for 2-dim contours
- static Chi22CL(dc2)¶
calculate confidence level CL from DeltaChi2 for 2-dim contours
- static chi2prb(chi2, ndof)¶
Calculate chi2-probability from chi2 and degrees of freedom
- do_fit()¶
perform all necessary steps of fit sequence
- getContour(pnam1, pnam2, cl=None, npoints=100)¶
return profile likelihood contour of parameters pnam1 and pnam2
- Args:
1st parameter name
2nd parameter name
confidence level
number of points
- Returns:
array of float (npoints * 2) contour points
- static getFunctionError(x, model, pvals, covp, fixedPars)¶
determine error of model at x
- Formula:
Delta(x) = sqrt( sum_i,j (df/dp_i(x) df/dp_j(x) Vp_i,j) )
- Args:
x: scalar or np-array of x values
model: model function
pvlas: parameter values
covp: covariance matrix of parameters
- Returns:
model uncertainty, same length as x
- getProfile(pnam, range=3.0, npoints=30)¶
return profile likelihood of parameter pnam
- Args:
parameter name
scan range in sigma, are tuple with lower and upper value
number of points
- getResult()¶
return result dictionary
- class hCost(outer, model, use_GaussApprox=False, density=True)¶
Cost function for binned data
The __call__ method of this class is called by iminuit.
The default cost function to minimoze is twice the negative log-likelihood of the Poisson distribution generalized to continuous observations x by replacing k! by the gamma function:
\[cost(x;\lambda) = 2 \lambda (\lambda - x*\ln(\lambda) + \ln\Gamma(x+1.))\]Alternatively, the Gaussian approximation is available:
\[cost(x;\lambda) = (x - \lambda)^2 / \lambda + \ln(\lambda)\]The implementation also permits to shift the observation x by an offset to take into account corrections to the number of observed bin entries (e.g. due to background or efficiency corrections): x -> x-deltaMu with deltaMu = mu - lambda, where mu is the mean of the shifted Poisson or Gauß distribution.
The number of bin entries predicted by the model density is calculated by an approximate integral over the respective bin ranges using the Simpson rule.
To judge the level of agreement of model density and histogram data, a “goodness-of-fit” (gof) value is calulated as the likelihood-ratio of the model w.r.t. the data and the so-called “saturated model” describing the data perfectly, i.e. \(cost_{sat}(x) = cost(x; \lambda=x)\). If the bin entries are sufficiently large, gof converges to the standard chi2 value.
outer: pointer to instance of calling class
model: model function f(x, *par)
use_GaussApprox, bool: use Gaussian approximation
density, bool: fit a normalised density; if False, an overall normalisation must be provided in the model function
Data members:
ndof: degrees of freedom
nconstraints: number of parameter constraints
gof: goodness-of-fit as likelihood ratio w.r.t. the ‘saturated model’
External references:
model(x, *par): the model function
data: pointer to instance of class histData
data.model_values: bin entries calculated by the best-fit model
- static integral_overBins(ledges, redges, f, *par)¶
Calculate approx. integral of model over bins using Simpson’s rule
- static n2lLGauss(x, lam)¶
negative log-likelihood of Gaussian approximation Pois(x, lam) simeq Gauss(x, mu=lam, sigma^2=lam)
- static n2lLPoisson(x, lam)¶
neg. logarithm of Poisson distribution for real-valued x
- static n2lLsPoisson(xk, lam, mu)¶
2* neg. logarithm of generalized Poisson distribution: shifted to new mean mu for real-valued xk for lam=mu, the standard Poisson distribution is recovered lam=sigma*2 is the variance of the shifted Poisson distribution.
- class histDataContainer(outer, bin_contents, bin_edges, DeltaMu=None, quiet=True)¶
Container for Histogram data
Data Members:
contents, array of floats: bin contents
edges, array of floats: bin edges (nbins+1 values)
calculated from input:
nbins: number of bins
lefts: left edges
rights: right edges
centers: bin centers
widths: bin widths
Ntot: total number of entries, used to normalize probatility density
available after completion of fit:
model_values: bin contents from best-fit model
plot(): return figure with histogram of data and uncertainties
- static Poisson_CI(lam, sigma=1.0)¶
determine one-sigma Confidence Interval around the mean lambda of a Poisson distribution, Poiss(x, lambda).
The method is based on delta-log-Likelihood (dlL) of the Poission likelihood
- Args:
lam: mean of Poission distribution
cl: desired confidence level
sigma: alternatively specify an n-sigma interval
- plot(num='histData and Model', figsize=(7.5, 6.5), data_label='Binned data', plot_residual=False)¶
return figure with histogram data and uncertainties
- class indexedCost(outer, model, use_neg2logL=False)¶
Custom e_x_tended Least-SQuares cost function with dynamically updated covariance matrix and -2log(L) correction term for parameter-dependent uncertainties.
The default cost function is twice the negative logarithm of the likelihood of a Gaussian distribution for data points \((x, y)\) with a model function \(y=f(x, *p)\) depending on a set of parameters \(*p\) and a possibly parameter-dependent covariance matrix \(V(x, f(x, *p))\) of the x and y data:
\[-2\ln {\cal L} = \chi^2(x, V^{-1}, x(*p) \,) + \ln(\, \det( V(x, x(*p) ) \,)\]In the absence of parameter-dependent components of the covariance matrix, the last term is omitted and the cost function is identical to the classical \(\chi^2\). For the evaluation of the cost function an efficient approach based on the “Cholesky decomposition” of the covariance matrix in a product of a triangular matrix and its transposed is used:
\[V = L L^T.\]The value of the cost function
\[\chi^2 = {r}\cdot (V^{-1}{r}) ~~with~~ r = x - x(*p)\]is then calculated by solving the linear equation
\[V X = r, ~i.e.~ X=V^{-1} r ~and~ \chi^2= r \cdot X\]with the linear-equation solver scipy.linalg.cho_solve(L,x) for Cholesky-decomposed matrices, thus avoiding the costy calculation of the inverse matrix.
The determinant, if needed, is efficiently calculated by taking the product of the diagonal elements of the matrix L,
\[\det(V) = 2 \, \prod L_{i,i}\]Input:
outer: pointer to instance of calling class
model: model function calulating the data x(*par)
use_neg2logL: use full -2log(L) instead of chi2 if True
__call__ method of this class is called by iminuit
Data members:
ndof: degrees of freedom
nconstraints: number of parameter constraints
gof: chi2-value (goodness of fit)
use_neg2logL: usage of full 2*neg Log Likelihood
quiet: no printout if True
model(x, *par)
- init_hData(bin_contents, bin_edges, DeltaMu=None)¶
initialize histogram data object
Args: - bin_contents: array of floats - bin_edges: array of length len(bin_contents)*1 - DeltaMu: shift in mean (Delta mu) versus lambda of Poisson distribution
- init_hFit(model, model_kwargs=None, p0=None, dp0=None, constraints=None, fixPars=None, limits=None)¶
initialize fit object
- Args:
model: model density function f(x; *par)
model_kwargs: optional, fit parameters if not from model signature
p0: np-array of floats, initial parameter values
dp0: array-like, initial guess of parameter uncertainties (optional)
constraints: (nested) list(s): [parameter name, value, uncertainty] or [parameter index, value, uncertainty]
fix parameter(s) in fit: list of parameter names or indices
limits: (nested) list(s): [parameter name, min, max] or [parameter index, min, max]
- init_mlData(x)¶
initialize data object
Args: - x, array of floats
- init_mnFit(userFunction, model_kwargs=None, p0=None, dp0=None, constraints=None, fixPars=None, limits=None)¶
initialize fit object for simple minuit fit with * with user-supplied cost function or * a probability density function for an unbinned neg. log-L fit
- Args:
costFunction: cost function or pdf
p0: np-array of floats, initial parameter values
model_kwargs: optional, fit parameters if not from model signature
dp0: array-like, initial guess of parameter uncertainties (optional)
parameter constraints: (nested) list(s): [parameter name, value, uncertainty]
fix parameter(s) in fit: list of parameter names or indices
limits: (nested) list(s): [parameter name, min, max] or [parameter index, min, max]
- init_xData(x, e=None, erel=None, cabs=None, crel=None, names=None)¶
initialize data object
- Args:
x: data values
s: independent uncertainties x
srel: independent relative uncertainties x
cabs: correlated abolute uncertainties x
crel: correlated relative uncertainties x
- init_xFit(model, model_kwargs=None, p0=None, dp0=None, constraints=None, fixPars=None, limits=None)¶
initialize fit object
- Args:
model: model function f(x; *par)
model_kwargs: optional, fit parameters if not from model signature
p0: np-array of floats, initial parameter values
dp0: array-like, initial guess of parameter uncertainties (optional)
constraints: (nested) list(s): [parameter name, value, uncertainty] or [parameter index, value, uncertainty]
limits: (nested) list(s): [parameter name, min, max] or [parameter index, min, max]
- init_xyData(x, y, ex=None, ey=1.0, erelx=None, erely=None, cabsx=None, crelx=None, cabsy=None, crely=None)¶
initialize data object
- Args:
x: abscissa of data points (“x values”)
y: ordinate of data points (“y values”)
ex: independent uncertainties x
ey: independent uncertainties y
erelx: independent relative uncertainties x
erely: independent relative uncertainties y
cabsx: correlated abolute uncertainties x
crelx: correlated relative uncertainties x
cabsy: correlated absolute uncertainties y
crely: correlated relative uncertainties y
quiet: no informative printout if True
- init_xyFit(model, model_kwargs=None, p0=None, dp0=None, constraints=None, fixPars=None, limits=None)¶
initialize fit object
- Args:
model: model function f(x; *par)
model_kwargs: optional, fit parameters if not from model signature
p0: np-array of floats, initial parameter values
dp0: array-like, initial guess of parameter uncertainties (optional)
constraints: (nested) list(s): [parameter name, value, uncertainty] or [parameter index, value, uncertainty]
limits: (nested) list(s): [parameter name, min, max] or [parameter index, min, max]
- class mlDataContainer(outer, x)¶
Container for general (indexed) data
Data Members:
x, array of floats: data
-plot(): return figure with representation of data
- plot(num='indexed data', figsize=(7.5, 6.5), data_label='Data', plot_residual=False)¶
return figure with histogram data and uncertainties
- class mnCost(outer, userFunction)¶
Interface for simple minuit fit with user-supplied cost function.
The __call__ method of this class is called by iminuit.
- userCostFunction: user-supplied cost function for minuit;
must be a negative log-likelihood
- nlLcost(*par)¶
negative log likelihood of data and user-defined PDF and
- plotContours(figname='Profiles and Contours')¶
Plot grid of profile curves and one- and two-sigma contour lines from iminuit object
- Arg:
- Returns:
matplotlib figure
- plotModel(axis_labels=['x', 'y = f(x, *par)'], data_legend='data', model_legend='fit', plot_band=True, same_plot=False, plot_residual=False)¶
Plot model function and data
Uses iminuitObject, cost Function (and data object)
- Args:
list of str: axis labels
str: legend for data
str: legend for model
plot_band: plot model confidence band if True
same_plot: accumulate fit results from previous call if True
plot_residual: plot residual w.r.t. model if True
- Returns:
matplotlib figure
- plot_Profile(pnam, range=2.0, npoints=30)¶
plot profile likelihood of parameter pnam
- Args:
parameter name
scan range in sigma, are tuple with lower and upper value
number of points
- Returns:
matplotlib figure
- plot_clContour(pnam1, pnam2, cl)¶
plot a contour of parameters pnam1 and pnam2 with confidence level(s) cl
- plot_nsigContour(pnam1, pnam2, nsig)¶
plot nsig contours of parameters pnam1 and pnam2
- setPlotOptions()¶
Set options for nicer plotting
- set_hOptions(run_minos=None, use_GaussApprox=None, fit_density=None, quiet=None)¶
Define mnFit options
- Args:
run minos else don*t run minos
use Gaussian Approximation of Poisson distribution
don*t provide printout else verbose printout
- set_mnOptions(run_minos=None, neg2logL=None, quiet=None)¶
Define options for minuit fit with user cost function
run_minos: run minos profile likelihood scan
neg2logL: cost function is -2 negLogL
- set_xOptions(relative_refers_to_model=None, run_minos=None, use_negLogL=None, quiet=None)¶
Define options for indexed fit
- Args:
rel. errors refer to model else data
run minos else don*t run minos
use full neg2logL
don*t provide printout else verbose printout
- set_xyOptions(relative_refers_to_model=None, run_minos=None, use_negLogL=None, quiet=None)¶
Define options for xy fit
- Args:
rel. errors refer to model else data
run minos else don*t run minos
use full neg2logL
don*t provide printout else verbose printout
- class xDataContainer(outer, x, e, erel, cabs, crel, names=None, quiet=True)¶
Handle data and uncertainties and build covariance matrices from components
- Args:
outer: pointer to instance of calling object
x: abscissa of data points (“x values”)
e: independent uncertainties
erel: independent relative uncertainties x
cabs: correlated abolute uncertainties x
crel: correlated relative uncertainties x
quiet: no informative printout if True
- Public methods:
get_Cov(): final covariance matrix (incl. proj. x)
get_iCov(): inverse covariance matrix
plot(): provide a figure with representation of data
- Data members:
copy of all input arguments
cov: covariance matrix
iCov: inverse of covariance matrix
- get_Cov()¶
return covariance matrix of data
- get_iCov()¶
return inverse of covariance matrix, as used in cost function
- plot(num='Data and Model', figsize=(7.5, 6.5), data_label='data', plot_residual=False)¶
return figure with data and uncertainties
- class xLSqCost(outer, model, use_neg2logL=False)¶
Custom e_x_tended Least-SQuares cost function with dynamically updated covariance matrix and -2log(L) correction term for parameter-dependent uncertainties.
The default cost function is twice the negative logarithm of the likelihood of a Gaussian distribution for data points \((x, y)\) with a model function \(y=f(x, *p)\) depending on a set of parameters \(*p\) and a possibly parameter-dependent covariance matrix \(V(x, f(x, *p))\) of the x and y data:
\[-2\ln {\cal L} = \chi^2(y, V^{-1}, f(x, *p) \,) + \ln(\, \det( V(x, f(x, *p) ) \,)\]In the absence of parameter-dependent components of the covariance matrix, the last term is omitted and the cost function is identical to the classical \(\chi^2\). For the evaluation of the cost function an efficient approach based on the “Cholesky decomposition” of the covariance matrix in a product of a triangular matrix and its transposed is used:
\[V = L L^T.\]The value of the cost function
\[\chi^2 = {r}\cdot (V^{-1}{r}) ~~with~~ r = y - f(x,*p)\]is then calculated by solving the linear equation
\[V X = r, ~i.e.~ X=V^{-1} r ~and~ \chi^2= r \cdot X\]with the linear-equation solver scipy.linalg.cho_solve(L,x) for Cholesky-decomposed matrices, thus avoiding the costy calculation of the inverse matrix.
The determinant, if needed, is efficiently calculated by taking the product of the diagonal elements of the matrix L,
\[\det(V) = 2 \, \prod L_{i,i}\]Input:
outer: pointer to instance of calling class
model: model function f(x, *par)
use_neg2logL: use full -2log(L) instead of chi2 if True
__call__ method of this class is called by iminuit
Data members:
ndof: degrees of freedom
nconstraints: number of parameter constraints
gof: chi2-value (goodness of fit)
use_neg2logL: usage of full 2*neg Log Likelihood
quiet: no printout if True
model(x, *par)
- class xyDataContainer(outer, x, y, ex, ey, erelx, erely, cabsx, crelx, cabsy, crely, quiet=True)¶
Handle data and uncertainties and build covariance matrices from components
- Args:
outer: pointer to instance of calling object
x: abscissa of data points (“x values”)
y: ordinate of data points (“y values”)
ex: independent uncertainties x
ey: independent uncertainties y
erelx: independent relative uncertainties x
erely: independent relative uncertainties y
cabsx: correlated abolute uncertainties x
crelx: correlated relative uncertainties x
cabsy: correlated absolute uncertainties y
crely: correlated relative uncertainties y
quiet: no informative printout if True
- Public methods:
get_Cov(): final covariance matrix (incl. proj. x)
get_xCov(): covariance of x-values
get_yCov(): covariance of y-values
get_iCov(): inverse covariance matrix
plot(): provide a figure with representation of data
- Data members:
copy of all input arguments
covx: covariance matrix of x
covy: covariance matrix of y uncertainties
cov: full covariance matrix incl. projected x
iCov: inverse of covariance matrix
- get_Cov()¶
return covariance matrix of data
- get_iCov()¶
return inverse of covariance matrix, as used in cost function
- get_xCov()¶
return covariance matrix of x-data
- get_yCov()¶
return covariance matrix of y-data
- plot(num='xyData and Model', figsize=(7.5, 6.5), data_label='data', plot_residual=False)¶
return figure with xy data and uncertainties
- PhyPraKit.phyFit.round_to_error(val, err, nsd_e=2)¶
round float val to same number of significant digits as uncertainty err
- Returns:
int: number of significant digits for v
float: val rounded to precision of err
float: err rounded to precision nsd_e
- PhyPraKit.phyFit.xFit(fitf, x, s=None, srel=None, sabscor=None, srelcor=None, ref_to_model=True, names=None, model_kwargs=None, p0=None, dp0=None, constraints=None, fixPars=None, limits=None, use_negLogL=True, plot=True, plot_cor=False, showplots=True, plot_band=True, plot_residual=False, quiet=True, same_plot=False, axis_labels=['Index', 'f(*x, *par)'], data_legend='data', model_legend='model', return_fitObject=False)¶
Wrapper function to fit an arbitrary function to data with independent and/or correlated absolute and/or relative uncertainties with class mnFit. Uncertainties are assumed to be desribed by a multivariate Gaussian distribution, i.e. the covariance matrix of the data {x_i} is taken into account in the cost function.
Correlated absolute and/or relative uncertainties of input data are specified as floats (if all uncertainties are equal) or as numpy-arrays of floats. The concept of independent or common uncertainties of (groups) of values is used to construct the full covariance matrix from different uncertainty components.
- Args:
fitf: model function to fit, arguments (float:x, float: *args)
x: np-array of data values
s: scalar or 1d or 2d np-array with uncertainties
srel: scalar or np-array; relative uncertainties
sabscor: scalar or np-array; absolute, correlated error(s)
srelcor: scalar or np-array; relative, correlated error(s)
ref_to_model: relative errors w.r.t. model if True
names: optional names for each input value
model_kwargs: optional, fit parameters if not from model signature
p0: array-like, initial guess of parameters
dp0: array-like, initial guess of parameter uncertainties (optional)
use_negLogL: use full -2ln(L)
constraints: (nested) list(s) [name or id, value, error]
fix parameter(s) in fit: list of parameter names or indices
limits: (nested) list(s) [name or id, min, max]
plot: show data points and model prediction if True
plot_cor: show profile likelihoods and confidence contours
plot_band: plot uncertainty band around model prediction
plot_residual: plot residuals w.r.t. model instead of model prediction
showplots: show plots on screen
same_plot: overlay fit info from previous call(s)
quiet: suppress printout
list of str: axis labels
str: legend for data
str: legend for model
bool: for experts only, return instance of class mnFit to give access to data members and methods
- Returns:
np-array of float: parameter values
2d np-array of float: parameter uncertainties [0]: neg. and [1]: pos.
np-array: correlation matrix
float: 2*negLog L, corresponding to chi-square of fit a minimum
or, optionally, the mnFit instance.
- PhyPraKit.phyFit.xyFit(fitf, x, y, sx=None, sy=None, srelx=None, srely=None, xabscor=None, xrelcor=None, yabscor=None, yrelcor=None, ref_to_model=True, model_kwargs=None, p0=None, dp0=None, constraints=None, fixPars=None, limits=None, use_negLogL=True, plot=True, plot_cor=False, showplots=True, plot_band=True, plot_residual=False, quiet=True, same_plot=False, axis_labels=['x', 'y = f(x, *par)'], data_legend='data', model_legend='model', return_fitObject=False)¶
Wrapper function to fit an arbitrary function fitf(x, *par) to data points (x, y) with independent and/or correlated absolute and/or relative uncertainites on x- and/or y- values with class mnFit.
Correlated absolute and/or relative uncertainties of input data are specified as floats (if all uncertainties are equal) or as numpy-arrays of floats. The concept of independent or common uncertainties of (groups) of data points is used to construct the full covariance matrix from different uncertainty components. Independent uncertainties enter only in the diagonal, while correlated ones contribute to diagonal and off-diagonal elements of the covariance matrix. Values of 0. may be specified for data points not affected by a certain type of uncertainty. E.g. the array [0., 0., 0.5., 0.5] specifies uncertainties only affecting the 3rd and 4th data points. Providing lists of such arrays permits the construction of arbitrary covariance matrices from independent and correlated uncertainties of (groups of) data points.
- Args:
fitf: model function to fit, arguments (float:x, float: *args)
x: np-array, independent data
y: np-array, dependent data
sx: scalar or 1d or 2d np-array , uncertainties on x data
sy: scalar or 1d or 2d np-array , uncertainties on x data
srelx: scalar or np-array, relative uncertainties x
srely: scalar or np-array, relative uncertainties y
yabscor: scalar or np-array, absolute, correlated error(s) on y
yrelcor: scalar or np-array, relative, correlated error(s) on y
model_kwargs: optional, fit parameters if not from model signature
p0: array-like, initial guess of parameters
dp0: array-like, initial guess of parameter uncertainties (optional)
use_negLogL: use full -2ln(L)
constraints: (nested) list(s) [name or id, value, error]
fix parameter(s) in fit: list of parameter names or indices
limits: (nested) list(s) [name or id, min, max]
plot: show data and model if True
plot_cor: show profile likelihoods and confidence contours
plot_band: plot uncertainty band around model function
plot_residual: plot residuals w.r.t. model instead of model function
showplots: show plots on screen
same_plot: overlay fit info from previoius call(s)
quiet: suppress printout
list of str: axis labels
str: legend for data
str: legend for model
bool: for experts only, return instance of class mnFit to give access to data members and methods
- Returns:
np-array of float: parameter values
2d np-array of float: parameter uncertainties [0]: neg. and [1]: pos.
np-array: correlation matrix
float: 2*negLog L, corresponding to chi-square of fit a minimum
or, optionally, the mnFit instance.
- PhyPraKit.phyFit.xyFit_from_yaml(fd, plot=True, plot_band=True, plot_cor=False, showplots=True, same_plot=False, quiet=True, return_fitObject=False)¶
Perform fit with data and model from yaml file
Fit to x-y data with independent and correlated, absolute and relative uncertainties in the x and y directions read from dictionary. The fitting procedure uses phyfit.xyFit().
- Args:
fd: fit input as a dictionray, extracted from a file in yaml format
plot: show data and model if True
plot_cor: show profile likelihoods and confidence contours
plot_band: plot uncertainty band around model function
plot_residual: plot residuals w.r.t. model instead of model function
showplots: show plots on screen - switch off if handled by calling process
quiet: suppress informative printout
- Returns:
result dictionary
optionally: produces result plots
fit dictionary format:
label: <str data-set name> x_label: <str name x-data> x_data: [ list of float ] y_label: <str name y-data> y_data: [ list of float ] x_errors: <float>, [list of floats], or {dictionary/ies} y_errors: <float>, [list of floats], or {dictionary/ies} model_label: <str model name> model_function: | <Python code> format of uncertainty dictionary: - error_value: <float> or [list of floats] - correlation_coefficient: 0. or 1. - relative: true or false relative errors may be spcified as <float>% fix_parameters: - <name1> - <name2> ... parameter_constraints: <name1>: value: <v> uncertainty <u> <name2>: ...
simple example of yaml input:
label: 'Test Data' x_data: [.05,0.36,0.68,0.80,1.09,1.46,1.71,1.83,2.44,2.09,3.72,4.36,4.60] x_errors: 3% x_label: 'x values' y_data: [0.35,0.26,0.52,0.44,0.48,0.55,0.66,0.48,0.75,0.70,0.75,0.80,0.90] y_errors: [.06,.07,.05,.05,.07,.07,.09,.1,.11,.1,.11,.12,.1] y_label: 'y values' model_label: 'Parabolic Fit' model_function: | def quadratic_model(x, a=0., b=1., c=0. ): return a * x*x + b*x + c
test data input from text file with module PhyPraKit.readColumnData
uses readtxt() to read floating-point column-data in very general .txt formats, here the output from PicoTech 8 channel data logger, with ‘ ‘ separated values, 2 header lines, german decimal comma and special character ‘^@’
read data exported by PicoScope usb-oscilloscope
read files in xml-format produced with the Leybold Cassy system uses PhyPraPit.labxParser()
demonstrate histogram functionality in PhyPraKit
Read data exported with PicoScope usb-oscilloscpe, here the accoustic excitation of a steel rod
Demonstrates usage of convolutionFilter for detection of signal maxima and falling edges
test function autocorrelate() in PhyPraKit; determines the frequency of a periodic signal from maxima and minima of the autocorrelation function and performs statistical analysis of time between peaks/dips
uses readCSV(), autocorrelate(), convolutionPeakfinder() and histstat() from PhyPraKit
Read data exported with PicoScope usb-oscilloscpe, here the accoustic excitation of a steel rod
Demonstraion of a Fourier transformation of the signal
Beispiel: Numerische Fehlerfortpflanzung mit PhyPraKit.prpagatedError() Illustriert auch die Verwendung der Rundung auf die Genauigkeit der Unsicherheit.
- test_odFit
test and illustrate fitting an arbitrary function with scipy odr, with uncertainties in x and y directions
Fitting example for x-y data with iminiut
Uses function PhyPraKit.xyFit, which in turn uses mnFit from phyFit
This is a rather complete example showing a fit to data with independent and correlated, absolute and relative uncertainties in the x and y directions.
fit to indexed data x_i with iminiut
- test_k2Fit
- Illustrate fitting of an arbitrary function with kafe2
This example illustrates the special features of kafe2: - correlated errors for x and y data - relative errors with reference to model - profile likelihood method to evaluate asymmetric errors - plotting of profile likeliood and confidence contours
test fitting simple line with kafe2, without any errors given
- test_k2hFit
Illustrate fitting a density to histogram data with kafe2
- test_generateData
test generation of simulated data this simulates a measurement with given x-values with uncertainties; random deviations are then added to arrive at the true values, from which the true y-values are then calculated according to a model function. In the last step, these true y-values are smeared by adding random deviations to obtain a sample of measured values
run a large number of fits on toyMC data to check for biases and chi2-probability distribution
This rather complete example uses eight different kinds of uncertainties, namely independent and correlated, absolute and relative ones in the x and y directions.
Messung einer Strom-Spannungskennlinie und Anpassung der Schockley-Gleichung.
Konstruktion der Kovarianzmatrix für reale Messinstrumente mit Signalrauschen, Anzeigeunsicherheiten und korrelierten, realtiven Kalibratsionsunsicherheiten für die Strom- und Spannungsmessung.
Ausführen der Anpassung der Shockley-Gleichung mit k2Fit oder mFit aus dem Paket PhyPraKit. Wichtig: die Modellfunktion ist nicht nach oben beschränkt, sondern divergiert sehr schnell. Daher muss der verwendete numerische Optimierer Parameterlimits unterstützen.
Auswertung der Daten aus einer im CASSY labx-Format gespeicherten Datei am Beispiel des Drehpendels
Einlesen der Daten im .labx-Format
Säubern der Daten durch verschiedene Filterfunktionen: - offset-Korrektur - Glättung durch gleitenden Mittelwert - Zusammenfassung benachberter Daten durch Mittelung
Fourier-Transformation (einfach und fft)
Suche nach Extrema (peaks und dips)
Anpassung von Funkionen an Einhüllende der Maxima und Minima
Interpolation durch Spline-Funktionen
numerische Ableitung und Ableitung der Splines
Phasenraum-Darstellung (aufgezeichnete Wellenfunktion gegen deren Ableitung nach der Zeit)
Auswertung der Daten aus einer mit PicoScope erstellten Datei im txt-Format am Beispiel des Hystereseversuchs
Einlesen der Daten aus PicoScope-Datei vom Typ .txt oder .csv
Kalibration der Achsen
Darstellung Kanal_a vs. Kanal_b
Auftrennung in zwei Zweige für steigenden bzw. abnehmenden Strom
Interpolation durch kubische Splines
Integration der Spline-Funktionen
Usage: python3 <file_name> <separator>
Note that ; as separator must be escaped with preceeding backslash
Einlesen von mit PicoScope erstellten Dateien am Beispiel der akustischen Anregung eines Stabes
Fourier-Analyse des Signals
Bestimmung der Resonanzfrequenz mittels Autokorrelation
- Parameter transformation in Geometrical Optics:
determine f1, f2 and d of a two-lense system from system focal widhts f and postions h1 and h2 of princpal planes
Darstellung der Daten aus einer im CASSY labx-Format gespeicherten Datei am Beispiel der Gamma-Spektroskopie
Einlesen der Daten im .labx oder gezippten .labx-Format
name of file in .labx format
flag for file type: 0: text, 1: zipped [options] <input file name>
Perform fit with data and model from yaml file
Uses functions xyFit and hFit from PhyPraKit.phyFit
This code performs fits
to x-y data with independent and correlated, absolute and relative uncertainties in the x and y directions
and to histogram data with a binned likelihood fit.
./ [options] <input file name>
./ –help for help
input file in yaml format
text and/or file, graph depending on options
yaml format for x-y fit:
label: <str data-set name>
x_label: <str name x-data>
x_data: [ list of float ]
y_label: <str name y-data>
y_data: [ list of float ]
x_errors: <float>, [list of floats], or {dictionary/ies}
y_errors: <float>, [list of floats], or {dictionary/ies}
# optionally, add Gaussian constraints on parameters
<parameter name>:
value: <value>
uncertaintiy: <value>
model_label: <str model name>
model_function: |
<Python code>
format of uncertainty dictionary:
- error_value: <float> or [list of floats]
- correlation_coefficient: 0. or 1.
- relative: true or false
relative errors may be spcified as <float>%
Simple example of yaml input:
label: 'Test Data'
x_data: [.05,0.36,0.68,0.80,1.09,1.46,1.71,1.83,2.44,2.09,3.72,4.36,4.60]
x_errors: 3%
x_label: 'x values'
y_data: [0.35,0.26,0.52,0.44,0.48,0.55,0.66,0.48,0.75,0.70,0.75,0.80,0.90]
y_errors: [.06,.07,.05,.05,.07,.07,.09,.1,.11,.1,.11,.12,.1]
y_label: 'y values'
model_label: 'Parabolic Fit'
model_function: |
def quadratic_model(x, a=0., b=1., c=0. ):
return a * x*x + b*x + c
Example of yaml input for histogram fit:
# Example of a fit to histogram data
type: histogram
label: example data
x_label: 'h'
y_label: 'pdf(h)'
# data:
raw_data: [ 79.83,79.63,79.68,79.82,80.81,79.97,79.68,80.32,79.69,79.18,
80.04,79.80,79.98,80.15,79.77,80.30,80.18,80.25,79.88,80.02 ]
n_bins: 15
bin_range: [79., 81.]
# alternatively an array for the bin edges can be specified
#bin_edges: [79., 79.5, 80, 80.5, 81.]
model_density_function: |
def normal_distribution(x, mu=80., sigma=1.):
return np.exp(-0.5*((x - mu)/sigma)** 2)/np.sqrt(2.*np.pi*sigma** 2)
Remark: more than one input data sets are also possible. Data sets and models can be overlayed in one plot if option showplots = False ist specified. Either provide more than one input file, or use yaml syntax, as shown here:
# several input sets to be separated by
--- [options] <input file name>
Plot (several) data set(s) with error bars in x- and y- directions or histograms from file in yaml format
./ [options] <input file name>
input file in yaml format
yaml-format for (x-y) data:
title: <title of plot>
x_label: <label for x-axis>
y_label: <label for y-axis>
label: <name of data set>
x_data: [ x values ]
y_data: [ y values ]
x_errors: x-uncertainty or [x-uncertainties]
y_errors: y-uncertainty or [y-uncertainties]
Remark: more than one input data sets are also possible. Data sets and models can be overlayed in one plot if option showplots = False ist specified. Either provide more than one input file, or use yaml syntax, as shown here:
# several input sets to be separated by
yaml-format for histogram:
title: <title of plot>
x_label: <label for x-axis>
y_label: <label for y-axis>
label: <name of data set>
raw_data: [x1, ... , xn]
# define binning
n_bins: n
bin_range: [x_min, x_max]
# alternatively:
# bin edges: [e0, ..., en]
several input sets to be separated by
In case a model function is supplied, it is overlayed in the output graph. The corresponding yaml block looks as follows:
# optional model specification
model_label: <model name>
model_function: |
<Python code of model function>
If no y_data or raw_data keys are provided, only the model function is shown. Note that minimalistic x_data and bin_range or bin_edges information must be given to define the x-range of the graph.
read floating-point column-data in very general .txt formats and write an output block in yaml format
keys taken from 1st header line
./cvs2yml [options] <input file name>
file name
yaml data block