Checklist for VL-01: slide 5: (1) How many elementary particles do we know in the SM, distinguishing left-, right- handed, particles and anti-particles? How many of these are matter particles and how many particles arise from the gauge interactions or Higgs mechanism? (2) Ordering matter and interaction particles by spin one observes that matter particles are fundamental fermions with spin 1/2 and the particles associated to the gauge interactions are vector-like bosons with spin 1. This is true for the photon, the W and Z bosons and the gluons. From where do you see this requirement on the spin of the gauge particles? slide 19: (3) What does the approximation of collinearity of the partons in the colliding protons mean for the transverse momentum of the partons relative to the proton direction? What do you think, how well is this approximation justified? slide 20: (4) Can you calculate the transition from rapidity to pseudo-rapidity starting from the assumption of small particle mass and the first equation on slide 20 (the one with the ln)? (5) The rapidity is not invariant, but _form invariant_ under Lorentz boosts along the z-axis. I.e. rapidity distribution of particles keep its form when boosted along the z-axis, but it shifts as a whole smaller or larger values of y. Can you show this form invariance starting form the definition of y and the Lorentz boost along the z-axis? What value of the boost vector beta corresponds to a shift of one unit in y? slide 26: (6) (Pseudo-) scalars, (axial) vectors, tensors are defined according to their behavior under Poincare transformations. The same is true for a spinor, which is an object on its own on the same footing as a vector. Note the transforma- tion behavior for scalars, vectors, tensors of second order, and spinors. What is the peculiar characteristic of a spinor under rotations? slide 28: (7) What happens if the operator PL/R is executed twice upon a spinor? slide 30: (8) The action h is 1 in natural units. Does a spinor have a unit in natural units?