Checklist for VL-05: slide 14f: (1) Do you understand why these hypercharges are introduced the way they are? What does it mean that the SM only works with this special set of hypercharges of particles while all minima of the vacuum should equally eligible? Does this not contradict the principle of local gauge invariance? Or the other way round: how did nature decide which of the many possible vacuums to choose? slide 15: (2) What is the unitary gauge here? slide 23: (3) Can you write down the relation between Gf and v explicitly? What are the uncertainties on v and where do they come from? How well could you measure v in case oyu did the F-Praktikums Versuch muon lifetime? slide 28: (4) Why does the Higgs boson have only one degree of freedom? Can you elaborate on the role of the Higgs boson self-couplings in the quest of deciphering and proofing the Higgs mechanism? slide 38: (5) On slide 35 we told you that mass terms "mf*\psibar*\psi" for fermions break local gauge invariance. Now we arrive at _exactly_ the same result with mass terms me*ebar*e, but we tell you that these mass terms do not break local gauge symmetry. How do these statements go together? Did we lie to you? If when when and where? Can you explain? slide 51: (6) How does the mass of the Higgs particle depend on the exact form of the Higgs potential?