Build your own particle detector

Build your own particle detector: Belle II edition
We have designed a micro model of the Belle II experiment at KEK, Japan. The design is inspired by other LHC detector models from "Build Your Own Particle Detector - A particle physics outreach program".The miniature brick version of the experiment is made from 75 bricks and takes less than 10min minutes to build. The model was designed by team members Lea Reuter, Moritz Bauer and Giacomo De Pietro. We are very happy how the details of Belle II’s detector like the particle identification system, built from transparent blue-ish bricks, turned out. The iconic blue and yellow coloured octagon shape of the detector and the fact that the end-caps can be opened are included in the micro-model as well.
The partlist and building instructions are free to download and use:
LEGO parts list (pdf)
LEGO parts list (csv)
building instructions (pdf)
3D model file (xlf)
Timelapse video of Lea building the Belle II model
High resolution 3D renderings: image 1, image 2, image 3
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