Students and thesis topics

Open thesis topics
Are you excited about particle physics, artificial intelligence, or (big) data analysis? Become part of our team and learn and work with other students and experienced scientists!List of open bachelor thesis topics
List of open master thesis topics
If you have your own ideas please do not hesitate to contact me directly!

Thesis writing guide
This document explains best practices and some rules for a thesis for students in my group in experimental particle physics and astroparticle physics: Thesis writing guide v2.1 (last update: November 2024).
Lernen lernen
This document explains how to learn at a university (in German): Lernen lernen (last update: October 2023).
More information
We are working at the Institute for Experimental Particle Physics (ETP) on the Belle II experiment in Japan (Tsukuba, near Tokyo), as well as future particle physics experiments at CERN (Geneva) and DESY (Hamburg), and artificial inteligence. We offer bachelor and master topics in multiple different areas including data analysis, (real-time) algorithm development and machine learning, simulation studies for new experiments, and detector development for ultrafast scintillation detectors.Note that you must be a student at KIT and enrolled in either the "Bachelorstudiengang Physik" (Bachelor of science: physics) or "Masterstudiengang Physik" (Master of science: physics).