BSc thesis topics

FAQ - Informationen zur Bachelorarbeit in der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Ferber

Topic:Graph Neural Network track reconstruction for particles decaying in flight
Summary: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have demonstrated excellent performance in track reconstruction at the Belle II experiment. However, reconstructing tracks of particles that decay in flight (e.g. a muon decaying into an electron and a neutrino) presents a unique challenge, as the resulting trajectories exhibit kinks where the decay occurs. These kinks can lead to inefficiencies in standard GNN-based tracking algorithms, causing incomplete or misidentified track segments. You will develop reconstruction techniques to refine the GNN-performances of our CATFinder for such tracks.
You learn:advanced track reconstruction techniques in particle physics, machine learning
Prerequisites:good proficiency in English is required, good knowledge in Python programming (e.g. lecture and all exercises in "Rechnernutzung") is required, exam in ModEx1+2 is required, first experience in own software projects is a plus, basic knowledge in machine learning tools (e.g. Tensorflow or PyTorch) is a plus
Supervisor:Prof. Dr. Torben Ferber
Contact:Lea Reuter
Last update:14.02.2025
Topic:Optimizing Signal Selection and Neutron Identification for B0 → p anti-nℓν Decays at Belle II
Summary: This thesis project centers on optimizing signal selection criteria to reduce background processes that exhibit similar experimental signatures to B0 → p anti-nℓν (2 charged tracks, missing energy, and activity in the Belle II electromagnetic calorimeter (ECL)). As a bachelor student, you will perform a detailed study of one of the major sources of background for this analysis, namely B0 -> D* p anti-n. You will investigate various kinematic variables that can be used to distinguish signal decays from this decay mode along with other potential background processes. You will explore different methods to identify a neutron in the Belle II detector, e.g., using boosted decision trees with information from the ECL as well as other Belle II subdetector components. By the end of your thesis, you will have contributed to several necessary steps that are essential to completing a physics analysis at Belle II.
You learn:Python programming, data analysis, machine learning
Prerequisites:good proficiency in English is required, good knowledge in Linux is required, exam in ModEx1+2 is required, first experience in own software projects is a plus
Supervisor:Prof. Dr. Torben Ferber
Contact: Dr. Raynette Van Tonder
Last update:14.02.2025
Topic:Automatisches Monitoring der Datenqualität von Photonen in Belle II
Summary: Belle II ist ein Teilchenphysikexperiment das unter anderem darauf optimiert ist, neutrale Teilchen wie Photonen zu messen. Um präzise Messungen und Suchen nach neuer Physik zu ermöglichen, muss der Detektor hierfür genau kalibriert werden. Wechselnde Beschleuniger- und Detektorbedingungen erfordern ein zuverlässiges und automatisiertes Monitoring der Energie- und Richtungsauflösung von Photonen. Im Rahmen der Bachelorarbeit soll Richtungsauflösung von Photonen in echten Daten bestimmt und automatisiert werden.
You learn:detector calibration, workflow management
Prerequisites:good proficiency in English is required, first knowledge in Linux is required, exam in ModEx1+2 is required, first experience in own software projects is a plus
Supervisor:Prof. Dr. Torben Ferber
Contact:Alexander Heidelbach
Last update:02.02.2025
Topic:Automated process monitoring with workflow management software towards sustainable computing
Summary: In High Energy Physics many calculations are done on complex data. Since every calculation increases energy consumption, it is important to do these as sensible and efficient as possible. While some computing sites already provide data on the power usage of these calculations, it is still difficult to monitor the energy consumption of whole analysis workflows. In this project, an existing workflow management based on the software luigi will be extended to automatically collect data on the energy usage of its tasks.
You learn:workflow management software (luigi), monitoring and accounting of computing resources, databases
Prerequisites:good proficiency in English is required, good knowledge in Linux is required, exam in ModEx1+2 is required, first experience in own software projects is a plus
Supervisor:Prof. Dr. Torben Ferber
Contact:Jonas Eppelt
Last update:02.02.2025
Topic:Performance optimization for Machine Learning reconstruction algorithms
Summary: This thesis project centers on optimizing the performance of Machine Learning (ML) reconstruction algorithms, particularly focusing on Python algorithms and their integration with C++ interfaces for the high-level trigger at Belle I running on a large computing cluster. As a bachelor student, your primary objective will be to streamline the execution of ML reconstruction algorithms on CPUs and GPUs. You will explore techniques such as algorithm parallelization, memory management, and code optimization to achieve optimal performance in both Python and C++ environments. Through rigorous benchmarking and profiling, you will evaluate the impact of your optimizations on the reconstruction speed and resource utilization. By the end of your thesis, you will have contributed to the development of robust and efficient ML reconstruction pipelines, essential for high-level trigger systems in particle physics experiments.
You learn:advanced track reconstruction techniques in particle physics, advanced C++ optimization
Prerequisites:good proficiency in English is required, good knowledge in Python and C++ programming (e.g. lecture and all exercises in "Rechnernutzung") is required, exam in ModEx1+2 is required, first experience in own software projects is a plus, basic knowledge in machine learning tools (e.g. Tensorflow or PyTorch) is a plus
Supervisor:Prof. Dr. Torben Ferber
Contact:Dr. Giacomo De Pietro
Last update:02.02.2025
Topic:Performance study of NN-Training with data streaming from remote storage
Summary: In High Energy Physics, datasets of several hundreds of GB are used for machine learning. Often, these datasets are stored at remote storage servers. Sometimes it is not possible to keep them on the computing machine. It could be an option to stream the data from the remote storage. It is possible to use a cache that keeps the data near the computing resource. That reduces the network traffic and the access latency for the files. The performance during streaming with and without cache should be studied.
You learn:concepts and usage of distributed computing, transfer protocol, and storage/caching software XRootD
Prerequisites:good proficiency in English is required, good knowledge in Linux is required, exam in ModEx1+2 is required, first experience in own software projects is a plus, basic knowledge in machine learning tools (e.g. Tensorflow or PyTorch) is a plus
Supervisor:Prof. Dr. Torben Ferber
Contact:Dr. Matthias Schnepf
Last update:02.02.2025
Topic:Multi-core support for Belle II Grid
Summary: Belle II uses a distributed computing infrastructure called Grid. Currently, Belle II supports only one CPU core per application in the Grid. The use of multiple CPU cores would speedup applications and reduce memory footprint. You can improve the Belle II Grid computing by configuring, implementing, and testing the support for multiple CPU cores in the Belle II Grid.
You learn:usage and configuration of the workflow management system DIRAC, Python, bash, Grid computing
Prerequisites:good proficiency in English is required, good knowledge in Linux is required, exam in ModEx1+2 is required, first experience in own software projects is a plus
Supervisor:Prof. Dr. Torben Ferber
Contact:Dr. Matthias Schnepf
Last update:02.02.2025